❀close friends❀

54 3 2

3rd person POV
After all of the commotion in mrs. iseul's classroom, park jimin had finally got his teacher's attention. when the teacher looked down, she noticed that jimin was pointing to a seat far in the back of the classroom. it was in the last row and was in the second column. but it was next to who? oh, no one except the shy heart-struck girl named,
moon eunbyul.
"hmm, what a nice choice mr. park jimin. eunbyul will definitely be a pleasure to sit next to.".
upon hearing these words, eunbyul's eyes shot up as she heard her own name coming from park jimin's mouth.
she sat there intently as she watched the adorable kid waddle his way onto the chair trying to his best not to humiliate himself in front of his now current 1st grade class and that even included eunbyul. jimin as well felt something in his heart whenever moon eunbyul would look at him. he's even catch her staring at him while trying to color in his doreamon color sheet.
time skip: 4th term of first grade
"eunnie! let's go play on the monkey bars! it'll be fun, i promise!", jimin said while holding out his tiny pinky to offer a pinky promise.
"jiminie, you know i'm not good at those!", the new eunbyul said.
after weeks of jimin trying to talk to eunbyul, she finally decided to open up to him. she couldn't stand jimin whenever he would constantly ask questions in her ear.
"is that purple?", "what's a jam?", "do i look like a magnaetteok?".
enough was enough for eunbyul and so the old silent eunbyul has sprouted into a big ball of sunshine who wanted hugs from everyone. the teachers were really shocked at seeing this side of eunbyul. the only people who would see this sudden change of personality was eunbyul's parents. but to anyone else, she'd barely talk. but now, all that has changed because of the mochi sitting next to her,
park jimin
and so, the pair of friends bounced hand-in-hand to the monkey bars. but they weren't able to pass by without lee seyoung noticing the rather close pair. she saw them going to the monkey bars and decided to follow them there.
"one, two, three!", jimin counted down as his little legs sprung him up into the air, reaching for the monkey bars.
after successfully getting past all 6 of the bars, jimin cutely encouraged eunbyul to try it. and so there she went, reaching with all her might to try and grab onto the bar. after thinking she might actually reach it, her weight completely shifted and eunbyul fell forward. she closed her eyes, ready for the impact, but something stopped her from hitting the wood chips out on the ground. eunbyul slowly opens her eyes and saw herself in jimin's arms.
"omo, how'd he catch me? this is embarrassing!"
those were eunbyul's thoughts while she was screaming internally.
but on the outside, her cheeks were tinted with a shade of pink which were very visible to the fluffy mochi underneath her. but she did agree on the fact that jimin was surprisingly very strong despite his height.
eunbyul quickly scrambled out of jimin's arms once she realized she was still in his arms with her feet dangling above the ground. he noticed her struggling while trying to get out of his arms and so he gently placed eunbyul on the ground.
"g-gahmsapniada jiminie-ah"
eunbyul struggled to say those words without stuttering. she even was so embarrassed she found herself tucking her hair behind her ear. something she'd rarely ever do because she would never be as embarrassed as now.
as for jimin,
when he had caught eunbyul, he thought she would've been heavier than she really was. but nope, he was proved wrong once he caught her from falling. after awhile he sensed eunnie wanted to touch the ground again and so he carefully placed her back in the ground.
"g-gahmsapnaida jiminie-ah"
jimin's heart pretty much melted at eunbyul's adorable gratitude. the friends stood there for a while but they would've stayed there for a while longer if it weren't for jimin having to use the restroom.
"i'll be back eunnie, stay right here. i'll be back!"
those were the last words eunbyul heard from the boy who was bouncing off to the distance.

❀lingering love❀ ~ p.jm (completed!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora