❀ true colors ❀

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jungkook's POV:

"annyeonghaseyo hoseok-hyung, do you need help organizing your bear bricks again today?". I asked j-hope hyung because he usually wants my help.

"aniyo jungkookie, you can rest for now, maybe tomorrow or over the weekend you can help.", j-hope hyung told me.

and with that, i waddled away and went to get my favorite drink: banana milk
i could crazy for banana milk, as if i already haven't. jin-hyung usually has to go with namjoon-hyung to the market to get me a couple of dozens.

i sat down at the counter, opened my milk carton, and began eating my cup of ramen; pondering about my day at school. i mentally went over everything that happened at school just for the fun of it. i don't have anything to do since v-hyung is playing overwatch with suga-hyung and jiminie-hyung is out with his somewhat-of-a-girlfriend named seyoung.

he told me before in first grade that there was this person named, eun-eunmyul? eun...chul? i don't know, but anyways, she sounded like a nice girl. hyung said he really liked her and that she was so pretty. he even mentioned that one time he caught her in his arms and it felt like heaven for him.

but then, he told me that one day, he went to the bathroom for a couple of minutes and when he came back, he saw that "eun" girl that he loved, and she was hurting seyoung.

when he told me that, i didn't really believe that she meant to beat up seyoung, maybe she was defending herself or something. i tried explaining that to jimin-hyung but he ignored me and said i read too many fanfictions before night time.

everytime i think about that girl, i just wanna go up to her and see if there was some kind of back story to this whole thing.

but then again, maybe hyung is right and i am just reading too many fanfictions. oopsie. i won't stop until jin-hyung finds out though.

anyways, i don't really like lee seyoung. or actually, i don't think any of my hyungs like seyoung or really just her existence in general. we all try convincing jimin-hyung that he is just a waste of his time but he keeps doubting us and saying that we're all just jealous because we don't have a girl for our own. sure seyoung is a nice girl in some ways, but when she comes over to our condo, her true colors really shine.

constantly ordering us around, making us treat her like royalty, having jimin tell us to call her "queen" because she is one. i think that's why i've become a little bit more distant with jimin-hyung. he follows all of seyoung's orders with no hesitations and it's getting on all of our nerves. i've been trying to find other friends except for my hyungs at school but there really isn't anyone else that i really connect with.

or well, there is that eunbyul girl. yeah, her! the one with the gorgeous hair that looks so silky and soft to the touch. especially her chocolatey eyes that are so reflective that you can see yourself in them as you get pulled into her gaze. i talked to her today since i sit next to her during science and she seems like a pretty laid back person to me.

her voice is so eloquent too! sounds like music to my ears! as i was talking to her today, i was actually pretty nervous and hectic on the inside. her beauty really just radiates off of her and into my heart. she's really beautiful. much better than seyoung.
definitely better than seyoung.

i kept stuttering when i talked to her though, my mistake, i was getting the jitters!
when we were conversing, i could see her adorable little squishy cheeks blushing! i mumbled under my breath "kyeopta" hoping she wouldn't hear me but i think she did.
im such a pabo when it comes to girls. it's not jungkookie's fault that i get all sweaty and jittery!

during lunch that day, i saw eunbyul sitting at a two-seater table in the cafeteria with a guy. i was a little taken aback that eunbyul was already seeing someone but i guess i shouldn't be getting triggered that easily, right?
that's not all though, the same guy threw his arms around eunbyul and pulled her in closer to his chest! what! that was so uncalled for! i hope it was just a friend or something, i wanna know but, wouldn't that be too awkward? maybe i'll ask her once i get to know her better. just maybe.

apart from that guy next to eunbyul, there were other things that annoyed me too. seyoung was being too flirty with jimin-hyung by feeding him. hyung isn't the youngest here, i am! he can perfectly feed himself! jhope-hyung was also secretly mocking them by feeding yoongi-hyung honey chips just like seyoung was feeding jimin-hyung. now that didn't annoy me, it was actually quite funny! and also, when people were calling for us, someone called me oppa! again! that was the second time that day! i quickly yelled back and told them that i wasn't anyone's oppa but IU-noona's.

i turned my attention back to eunbyul but i noticed she was going to the bathroom and it was just that clingy guy by himself. i kept taunting myself to go up to him and know him better if he was dating eunbyul or not but i was stopped by seyoung clearing her throat. i looked back to her and she was smirking at me and looked where eunbyul used to be. she gave me a quick grin that looked so fake.

she excused herself from our table as she kept on eyeing me as she stood up. seyoung finally started walking to the bathroom with that same smirk plastered on her face. i turned back to the rest of hyungs with a confused face only to find them with the same expression as me. although, when i looks around, i noticed that jimin-hyung was looking a little mad or angry at me as if i did something wrong! hyung gave me a dirty look!

"yah! what did JK do jimin? don't look at him like that, especially if he doesn't even know what he did himself."

jin-hyung scolded jimin-hyung for blaming me for whatever happened. jimin-hyung just scoffed at jin-hyung while standing up and sauntered away to taemin-hyung's table with the rest of his hyungs.

"wonder what's his problem", jhope-hyung questioned curiously.

we all shrugged at his question as we didn't even know ourselves.

A/N: look who's been procrastinating!!! me!!!! I'm such a bad person for not updating consistently lol I'm sorry. just look forward to more updates in 2018! Thank you for supporting and celebrate these last few days in 2017 before we move into a new year! also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEHYUNGGGGG!♥️

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