Chapter 5:Dinner

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     ^^That's a picture I Drew of Mr.Wolfhard

    I waited in his house for about 5 minuets until I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I looked at Finn and blushes as I saw him wearing a tie and white shirt with black skinny jeans.

   Finn smirked at my reaction as he grabbed his phone and headed towards  the door and I followed as we walked to my house.

   We entered my house my he stopped in one place as he took a deep breath in hailing the sweet smell of my mother's cooking.

"Hello there I'm Callie Lukas mother and you are?" My mom said as she walked out of the kitchen and held a hand out to shake.

"I'm Finn, it's very nice to meet you, thank you so much for inviting me to have dinner" he said taking her hand and shaking it as he smiled.

   I headed up to my room which was upstairs cause I was getting bored of my mother talking about money and adult things that I could care less about.

"Callie, where's your restroom?" Finn asked my mother

"it's upstairs middle door you can't miss it" she said as she turned back to the pot of food and continues cooking.

*Finns pov*

   I headed upstairs and saw the bathroom door, but at the end of the hall was a half opened door. I stood in the hallway debating if I should check it out or not. But I saw a piece of clothing being thrown to the corner of the room.

   I slowly stepped to the door opening it a little more to reveal a half naked Luka my knees weakened as I shuttered at the thought of Luka.

"Finn what are you doing peeping?" Luka asked as he looked at me cause he could see me standing there through the Crack of the door.

"Ugh n-nothing" I said walking away from the door before I heard the door swing open and felt someone grab my wrist.

   I turn around in shock as I stopped in My tracks and stares at Lukas body.

"Can I talk to you?" Luka asked me and I felt My heart race as I started to get nervous.

   Luka lead me to his bedroom as  I stared at his naked back as it turned me on Just by the thought of him shirtless. He sat me on the bed and he sat beside me.

"Finn?" He looked at me but then looked down fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes what is it?" I asked concerned as I placed a hand on his fidgeting figures to try and calm him.

"D-do you want to go out with me?" Luka asked as his face was pure red.

  I look at Luka in pure shock as my eyes widen and my face flushed.

I smile then say.

"You know If we do go out it would be illegal......" I say as I looked away from his eyes

"Y-yeah I know, it's just I can't stand not being with you, I want to be with you Finn..........I Want you" as Luka said those words I couldn't resist it no more.

   I leaned in and kissed his soft pink lips leaving him in shock. He kissed back with just as much passion, I liked his bottom lip for entrance. As he gasped I took the moment to slide my tongue into his mouth making him moan more as he sat up and strattled me on his bed without breaking the kiss.

   We sat there kissing for about another minuet until Luka let out a soft moan as he felt me anciently buck my hips as my hardend crotch grinded with his ass.

"Shhhhh, you don't want your mom to hear us" I say as I place a soft kiss of his forehead.

"We should stop before we get........carried away" I say as I lift Luka off me and place him on the bed. He smiled and kissed my head.

"So are you gonna answer my question? " Luka asked me

   As I remembered he asked if I wanted to go out with at should I say?

"Of course!!" I say as I ruffle his hair.

"Yay!!!" Luka says as he kisses me on the lips as a slow but passionate.

As we pulled away I said.

" only on one condition" I say looking into his eyes.

"Ok and what's that?" He asks and he smirked.

"We keep us secret" I say as I kiss his nose leaving him giggling.

"Deal" he's said and kisses my nose back.

"BOYS SUPPER!!!!" Callie calls up the stairs

"Coming mother!!" Luka called down as he placed one last kiss on my lips before heading downstairs with me following.

Authors note☆

Hope you guys liked this chapter ♡

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