Chapter 20: Part 2

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    *Lukas POV*

    I walk out of the school as I grab my headphones and listen to some tunes, I play bubble gum because I'm a depressing ass hole.

   I continue to walk home since I decided not to catch a ride with Finn because I wanted him to suffer with his little excited friend down there.

   After a long walk home I get home at 4 so as soon  as I walked in the door I said hi to my mom and explained to her I was going out with Mark tonight and I'll be leaving at 5, I then head upstairs strip out of my clothes and hop in the shower.

  I wash my hair and body, I then turned the water off and got out while wrapping a towel around my waist and heading to my room. I close my bedroom door and open my closet, I grab a black button up shirt with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. I slicked my hair back with some gel, I walk over to my long mirror and look at myself in the mirror and think 'Damn I look hot' as I wink at my self.

    I spray some sexy smelling cologne on my clothes and neck. I grab my phone and walk downstairs.

   I waited till 5 in the living room, my mom was in her office probably doing some paperwork. I checked my phone the time read 5 pm. I got up from the couch heading to the front door slipped on my shoes and headed out the door.

   I walked up to his front door and knocked on it, a few seconds later he opened it. Right before my eyes I saw a handsome, sexy man wearing a wite button up shirt with a black tie along with some black jeans, his hair was slicked to the side.

   He obviously caught me checking him out because I was cut off from my thought when he said.

"Like what ya see?" He said as he put a hand on his hip.

"Yes, I do very much appreciate what I see" I say biting my lip.

"Well, come in" he said and I walked in.

   He guided me to the living room.

"Supper is almost ready, I'm cooking pork chops with some rice and vegetables" he said with a smile.

"Ok,  sounds yummy" I say as I sit on the couch.

   As I wait for the food to be ready I pull out my phone and text Mark.


Mark: howdy, what's up?

Me:I'm at Finns right now ;)

Mark: doing what???

Me: I'm having dinner at his house

Mark: that sounds like he asked you out on a date ;)

Me:yeah I guess so...I mean I've been on multiple dates with him.

Mark: I need to find a man so we can go on a double date♡

Me: wait your into men?!?!?!?

Mark:sorry I forgot to tell you.....I guess I just got jealous when you told me you a had sex with Finn....

Me: oh ok. .... well I gtg bye :)

Mark: ok bye, hope I didn't make u feel uncomfortable. ...:(

Me: you didn't it's fine :)

Mark:ok see ya


   I put my phone back just as Finn walked into the room.

"Just a few more minuets the it should be all done" he said walking over to me and sat down.

"Soooooo is this a date?" I asked him

"Yeah I guess you could say it is" he says

"Good" I say smiling as I was happy to be spending time with my baby.

   I feel him peck my cheek before he headed to the kitchen to dish supper up. About 3 minuets later I hear him call me to the kitchen as I get up and walk into the kitchen.

"Happy valentine's day baby" he says as he kisses me.

  I look at the plate as there was my food that the vegetables were spelled into the words I ♡ U.

   I smile as I set the plate on the table as I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Happy valentine's day to baby" I say as I hug him.

   We both sit at the table as we eat our food making convos every now and then.

"So......I was thinking..." Finn said

"Mhm" I said looking at him with a confused look.

"W- would we ever get married in the future?....." he says as he stuttered as I could tell it was hard for him to get those words out.

   I choke on my food from what he said as I continued to cough on my pees. My face was flush from what he said, I was flustered I really was, I've always wanted to know what would  happen to us in the future.

"I would love to marry you in the future" I say as I smile at him and continue to eat.

"What about kids?......" he says

"Yeah, I love them, but there a pain in the ass to be around" I say continuing to eat my food.

"Sorry to be asking you all of these questions.....I've just been dying to ask you about them" he says as he grabs my free hand that was on the table as he intertwines our figures.

   I look up at him and smile.

"It's fine babe,  I'm really excited for what the future holds for us" I say as I kiss his hand.

   I see as his face turned flush after I kissed his hand.

"Your too cute" I look at his adorable face and smile.

"Your cuter" he says as he kisses my hand

   I smile as we both continue to eat our last few bites of our food.
We put our dishes In the kitchen as we headed to the living room.

"Wanna dance?" He asks me as he turns on Shape of you by Ed Sheran.

"Hell yeah" I say as he takes my hand and spins me around in his arms.

   We spin and dance In the living room together enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.

   He pulls me close to him so we're chest to chest and said.

"I love you so much baby" he whispers into my ear making my body shiver.

" I love you to" I say as I kiss his lips and bite hit bottom lip.

   He lifts me up by the thigh so that my legs were wrapped around his waist.

"Ready to be dominated?" He asked me before heading up to his room.

Ooohh clif hanger....

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