Going back home

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•°•You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place. Like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again. When you return•°•

Catherine's P.O.V. ●

"FBI!!Freeze!!" I yell running after the unsub as he runs up a flight of stares to the roof. We run onto the roof and he just looks over his shoulder and runs even faster. "Come on, I promise if you stand still so I can arrest you. I'll promise to give you real water, instead of piss water, at the Police Station!!" I yell still running after him. He just keeps on running untill he just suddenly brakes infront of the edge of the roof, before looking over his shoulder at me with a type of psychotic smirk on his lips. "Oh no, come on I beg of you. Just please don't-" I said but stopped in the middle of my sentence, as he jumps to the next buildings roof. "Jesus, I beg you forgive me, for abusing my fitness like this" I say taking a few steps backwards as I look up at the sky, then looked infront of me again. "I should've gone for that jog this morning" I say running towards the edge, than jumping forwards trying to keep my balance, not to break anything.

I land on the roof, after doing a type of army role. I stand up just to feel a sudden pain in my left arm. "So much for not breaking anything today" I say rolling my eyes, at myself. As I run after the unsub again. I catch up to him and pull my gun out and stop in my tracks and aim at him, just pulling the trigger. Making the bullet hit him in the foot. He falls to the ground screaming in pain as he holds his foot. "I told you to freeze" I say grabbing  his hands and cuffing them behind his  back. "Now you can enjoy the piss water at the police station" I say pushing him at his collar as we make it down the stairs, as I tell him his rights. We make it out the building to see everyone standing outside bullet vests and everything. I push the unsub towards a police officer, who takes him to the police car. I walk towards the ambulance, just so that I can get a sling for my broken arm.

As their busy putting the sling on, I see my father making his way towards me. Ughh great. "You okay?" He asks looking at the sling around my arm with concern, than back at me. "Yeah, I'm fine Dad. Don't worry" I say standing up. "Are you sure?" He asks still sounding concerned. "Yes, Dad I'm fine. Now stop looking so worried" I say rolling my eyes at his overreaction. "So why you here, except for the unsub part" I say walking to my car, with him not far behind me. "Your mother and I want you to come to dinner on Sunday?" He says looking at me. "Yeah, sure I guess I can come" I say shrugging, making my Dad smile suddenly. "Great see you there" He says kissing my forehead, walking away. "Parents" I mumble shaking my head, as I get in my car and make my way home. I really need sleep, my arm's killing me...

Jasmine's P.O.V.

"HOTCHNER!!" I hear the Captain yell at me, as I start to make my way towards the bank. I open the door and walk in to see that everyone's on the floor except well....the robbers. "Hi!!" I say smiling at them, as they all point their guns at me with confused expressions. "So how's it going" I say looking at them with a bright smile on my face. I just feel a gun hit me on the back of my neck, making me fall on my knees. "I'll take that as a 'we're having a awesome day' " I say sarcastically as I rub the back of my neck. "WHO ARE YOU?!" A guy yells pointing a shot gun at me. "You know, just a normal human being walking into a bank robbery, with a everyday life" I say shrugging. "YOU THINK YOU'RE FUNNY!?" He yells again. "No, who do you think I am....Donald Trump. Psshh, I'm hilarious" I say waving him off. "WHO ARE YOU REALLY?!" A other guy yells, who's standing on the counter.

"Fine, my name's Jasmine Hotchner" I say looking at them. "And I might be able to help you guys out" I say shrugging as if it's no big deal. "Fine, then get us a chopper" The one guy says pushing the gun a little closer to my face. "Yeah, I can't do that one" I say shaking my head. "Than what can you do for us!?" He yells again. "I can make you famous" I say looking him straight in the eyes. "How?" He asks looking at me. "If you shoot a cop" I say shrugging. "Can't you see we already did" He says pointing his gun towards the security guard, that's dead. "Security guards are not cops, you twat!!" I yell rolling my eyes at how dumb they are. "What's a twat?" The guy standing on the counter asks confused. "Oh my God!! You don't know what twat means!?" I yell looking at him. "It means that your dumb, you asshole!!" I yell rolling my eyes at him.

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