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•°•Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different...•°•

Jasmine's P.O.V.

I walk into the house, to hear everyone's chattering from the kitchen. I just take a deep breath, before walking towards the kitchen. I mean can you blame me, when I haven't talk to my parents nor the team at all in 5 years. I didn't even keep contact with the people that are more like parents to me, than my real parents. I know you'll think this sounds crazy, but I actually see my godparents, being better parents than my mother and father ever were. But can you blame me, when they were always to be busy with work and everything. My sister and I always went to our godparent's house, when we were younger. Because our parents were either to busy with paperwork or they probably to lazy to come home.

To be honest if my sister was here right now, she would agree with me. Both us always went to our godparents when something bothered us or when we just needed someone's shoulder to cry on, well that actually never happened. Well, I don't know about my sister, but I know that I never went to them if I wanted to cry. Because I never could cry and I still can't cry, long story short, all I'm saying is that I'm not really a big fan of my parents, but I still love even though I don't show it...

I walk into the kitchen to see everyone, either standing around talking, with a glass of whine in there hand, or sitting at the breakfast counter talking with my parents. "Jasmine, sweety. Come say 'hi' " My Mom says waving at me to come closer. I just give her a small fake smile, as walk towards everyone to greet them. 

I walk up to JJ and Garcia talking, in the far corner of the room. Because I mean it's like a kitchen and a dining room together, so it's kinda big. "Oh my Fluffy-furry-cats!! Look at you!!" Garcia yells out in excitement as she throws her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. "You look so gorgeous" Garcia says with the brightest smile on her face, but that's normal for Penelope Garcia. "Hey, Jass. Welcome back. We must you" JJ says also giving me a tight hug, but not as bone crushing as Garcia's.

I walk up to Luke and Derek, to see them with beers in their hands, laughing their asses off. "Hey, crazy people" I say smiling at them as they both turn their attention towards me. "Jass!! Welcome back!!" They both yell at the same time, both suddenly pulling me into a massive bear hug, crushing my rib cage into a million pieces. "Can't...breath..." I say out of breath, as they loosen their grip around. "Oh, our bad" Luke says rubbing my arm softly. I just look at them weirdly, shaking my head at how weird they are together. Before walking away, towards the next people I have to say 'hello' to.

I walk up to my Dad talking to Rossi, who's busy multi-tasking, because he's also yelling at my mother, who's busy cooking. Just because she chopped an union smaller than the rest. "Hi, Rossi" I say smiling at him. "Hi, Jasmine sweety" he says hugging me before he continues to yell at my mother saying stuff like 'Where'd you learn to cook, at a graveyard?!' you know stuff like that. I just laugh softly beforw walking away slowly, before he involves me into this conversation.

I look over towards where my mother's standing, I look to see Reid sitting at the breakfast counter, keeping my mother company with his Genuis language, as I like to call it. I walk up behind him and cover his eyes with my hands. "Who's it?" He says touching my hands. "Emily is it you? But then again you don't wear so much rings on your fingers" he says touching one of my rings. "Can you whoever you are, at least give me a hint as to who you are" Reid asks still touching my hands, trying to figure out who I am. "Fine, I'm your favourite god daughter" I say smiling because that is so obvious, since I am his only god daughter. "Jasmine!?" He yells out in excitement as I take my hands away, he just turns around in the chair, jumping up and wrapping his arms around my neck. "Hey, Spencer" I say hugging him back. "I missed you so much. Do you know how many times, I got bored with these people and there conversations!!" Reid yells out in excitement. "Hey!!" The whole team yells out, Garcia being the loudest of them all. "Reid, her conversations is the same as ours" Morgan says looking at Spencer with confused face. "I know, but for some reason her conversations comes out more intresting" Reid says shrugging, hugging me once more.

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