Double date with a blind date

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Mark Esposito^

A/N: I accidentally forgot to add a character♡ Enjoy the chapter. Please vote and comment on your favourite parts of this chapter♤


•°•Take the risk or lose the

Jasmine's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in the kitchen, while my parents ask me questions. About what I've been doing, these past 5 years. "So I heard you work for LAPD" my Dad says sounding interested, but the type of interested thing where he's planning something. "Yeah" I say smiling slightly. "How'd you find out? Garcia" I ask, since Garcia alsways hacks people's phones. It's more like privacy invation like usual, Garcia doesn't care. But I also understand it's part of her job. "How've you been?" Dad asks looking at me. "Fine, you guys?" I ask looking between them. "Fine" They both say rushing their words a little a bit. "Okay" I say confused and sepicious a little, is it just me or are they trying to hide something from me? "I'm gonna go to bed, it's getting late" I say giving them a small smile before standing up from the chair, making my way towards my room.

I go and sit down on my bed, taking my phone out my jacket pocket, to see that I have two text messages from Oliver and 3 missed calls from the Captain.

Oliver's text messages

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Oliver's text messages

I just answer him and instantly get a answer back from. It's like he sat and looked at his phone's screen, the whole time. Just waiting for me to answer his texts. But I guess I still love him. Oliver's feels like my little brother and my second sibling. He's always been there for me, just like the Captain. Their both like my family, the Captain's like a father to me, he's always been there for me. Especially when I lost someone...After Oliver's reply, we started a small conversation, untill we eventually ended the conversation.

After Oliver's reply, we started a small conversation, untill we eventually ended the conversation

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Text messages

After my conversation with Oliver, I decided to call the Cap and get ready to get yelled at. The Captain's always been over protective of anyone on the team, sounds alot like my father and mother...I know. Well let's get this over with and get yelled at, by him. I start to diall his number, clicking the green phone. Listening to the phone dialling, untill he finally picked up...

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