Always have and always will

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•°•Don't let stress kill your happiness•°•

Nathan's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in my office tapping my pen against my desk, staring blankly towards the bookshelf in my office.

I look towards the small table, with two whiskey glasses on top and a bottle of whiskey.


I close my eyes, rubbing my forehead slightly.

6 years sober, Nathan.

Don't fuck it up now.........

I know what you're thinking.

Was he a alcoholic?

Yes, I was.

I started drinking at the age of 19. It got so bad, Lucas always had to come and get me out of the bar. Him and Mark always had to knock me out, before I could calm down. I used to get into so many fights when I was drunk. That it made me aggressive when I'm drunk.

But can you blame me for drinking?

When the girl I've loved since 5'th grade, decided to date a guy. That eventually beat the shit out of me. Just because I kissed her at prom, when I didn't even know they we're together.
I felt like a total asshole...........

Then again at the age of 19, I decided to stop. So I went to AA meetings. I went to Anger management. Even though I only needed it when I was drunk. Doesn't mean a person can't be cautious.

After about 5 months, I finally became sober. I only drink a beer once in three months. And that's how far I'll go with the alcohol. My father offered me a job in his business. He made me a CEO of the Jones company. And he did the same with Mark, Liam and Lucas.

We all own at least four Jones Companies in the world. So you can just imagine how popular my father is.

I look back at the whiskey and take a deep breath after closing my eyes again.

I can't drink again......not again.

I know this is gonna sound so stupid, but I actually wanna drink because I'm dating Sophie.

Not in a celebrating way.......okay, well maybe like 25% celebration. The other 75% is for fear and guilt.

Fear......well because I'm afraid I might break her heart or hurt her. She's such a soft and sensitive person. Plus I don't have such a great history when it comes to relationships. I was kinda like Lucas, I used to sleep around with women alot, but not as much as him. I never wanted to try love again, after what Jordan did to me and after I risked my feelings for Sophie, by kissing her that night at prom.

Guilt......because I feel so guilty that I kissed her. She was so heartbroken and confused. After I kissed her and after Jordan fucked me up. They got into this massive fight the next day. Leaving Sophie in tears. I feel so guilty, because I mean if I didn't kiss her that night, she wouldn't have ended up in tears the next day.

If I had to drink again right now, I wouldn't be able to stop at all. Not even once.

I know it sounds childish for me wanting to drink just because of Sophie.

I absolutely love Sophie. I always have and I always will love her. I mean I've liked her since 5'th grade and that soon turned into love. It's cliché I know.......but I guess that's how us guys are when we're madly inlove with a girl.

Plus alcohol has always been a part of me and brothers' lifes. Not in a way, that we've been drinking all our lives. But that we've had a few experiences with drunk people.........

I get cut out of my thoughts, when Lucas walks into my office. With about 3 envelopes in his hand, as he throws it down on my desk.

I just give him a confused look "What's this" I say grabbing one of the envelopes opening it. "Our dearest mother decided to give us each a envelope, inviting us to a dinner party" Lucas says with a slight angry tone of voice.

"Why?" I ask reading through it. "To see her again" he says in a woman's voice. I just smile slightly since I already know, he's mocking our mother.

"It's not funny Nathan!!" Lucas says raising his voice. "I know" I say nodding slightly.

"I'm not going" He says clenching his jaw slightly. "Come on, Lucas. It's only dinner" I say putting the envelope back on my desk. "Yeah and what has she ever done for us. Except ruining our lives. I'm pretty sure that doesn't make her the mother of the year or any year for that matter" He says clenching his jaw further.

Might I add that Lucas also didn't have a peachy life......

"I know Lucas.......but let's just go all three of us" I say looking at him.

He just stays quiet.....

"It'll just be you, Liam and me going. Liam and I can leave the girls alone, they can have a girls night. Then the three of us can go and get this done with" I say calmly.

Let me put it like this........our mother Meredith Jones.....sorry Meredith Walker, since my parents got divorced when I was 8 and Liam and Lucas were 7. And she got married again.

She's never been your greatest mother. Maybe infront of people, with her husband George Walker. But the minute we got home, there was no mercy in that house..........

"Fine" Lucas says mumbling it almost.

I just nod and smirk as I remember something........

"What?" Lucas says with a raised eyebrow.

"You slept with Jasmine" I say smiling.

"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes and turns to walk out.

"You're busy falling for her" I say widening my eyes slightly.

"No, I'm not" he says before walking out of my office.

"He so is" I say smirking.

Guess I'll have to finish up and go to this dinner..............

•°•People don't fail, they quit. Don't quit•°•

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