(Chapter 1)Day 1

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[August 14th, 2017. School started this day and everyone was unprepared and tired. Andrew and Chandler make their way to school]
Andrew: I really don't wanna fucking be here
Chandler: Yeah I noticed don't start complaining to me about it. Go talk to your friends.
Andrew: You're funny. Me have friends? Yeah I'll just go
[Chandler and Andrew seperate near the lunchroom and time passes to Lunch]
Andrew thinking: This really sucks having to be in 9th again I hope my friends show up tomorrow.
[Andrew walks in line]
Andrew: Oh hey Alec
Alec: Hey, how was your summer
Andrew: Just a hole bunch of gaming and gay
Alec: Me!
Andrew: Yeah, Yeah
Alec: But seriously, how about that book? The one you made last summer
Andrew: We don't talk about that
Alec: I think it's still up on your profile
Andrew: No..
[Alec goes on her phone]
Alec: IT IS!
Andrew: Stop
Alec: Hehe he
Andrew: Alec I swear to whatever you believe you
Alec: Haha
[They leave the lunch room and sit outside]
Alec: I'mma just read this
Andrew: noooo, stooooop
Alec: Fuck you, I will
Andrew: 😑(<-Andrew face) First of all I deny that offer even though I'm single
Alec: Bitch
Andrew: Don't get mad at me about last summer, I told you I was sorry
Alec: Suuuuure
Andrew: Fine then bye
Alec: TTYL!
[Time passes and it's now 7th]
Teacher: Ok so it seems like you're the only kid in here
Andrew: Really that's weird
Teacher: well it is freshmen day
Andrew: Yeah..
Illyana: Sorry I was with some friends
(Andrew Sat right next to the teacher and illyana sat as close to him as possible)
Andrew thinking: Why is a lesbian wanting to talk to me so badly, eh. I'm find nothing wrong with that
Illyana: Hello, im illyana
Andrew: Hey I'm Andrew
Illyana: Can I see your schedule
Andrew: Sure go ahead, can I see your schedule too?
Illyana: Yeah
[They exchange schedules]
{Ilyanna, Andrew and the teacher have a discussion that was depression, crazy and surprising for the entire class period(45minutes)}
Andrew: You gonna be here tomorrow?
Illyana: Definitely
[They hug, go on the buses and go home]
Chandler: Who was that girl
Andrew: No one
Chandler: I bet you like her already
Andrew: Dude I haven't even been around her for two days so I can't already like her.
Chandler: I know you, I have known you for awhile too. Youre gonna break your dating rule
Andrew: I will not date anyone, I already told my mom this and I'm not lying
Chandler: If you say so

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