A Bad Spot

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[A week later]
Andrew: Hey babe you ok?
Ilyanna: I feel kinda sick
Andrew: how come?
Ilyanna: I'm not sure
Andrew: You go lay down and I will be right back
(Andrew goes to the store and Alec calls Andrew)
Alec: Hey Andrew
Andrew: Oh hey Alec what's up?
Alec: Nothing much. Wanna come over for a bit?
Andrew: Yeah but not for too long I was getting medicine for ilyanna
Alec: Ok
(Andrew drives to Alec's house. A drew knocks on the door)
Alec: Come in
(Andrew opens the door and Alec goes to hug him then turning his face to Andrew)
Andrew: What are you doing
Alec: I want a hug
Andrew: Oh ok
Alec: Can you go to my room real quick
Andrew: Sure
(Although Alec wasn't much into guy like things he still didn't like being called she, he didn't like how it felt and being called he/him made him feel better)
Andrew: Ok so what was it that you wanted me to come in here for
(Alec hops on Andrew's lap and puts his hands in Andrew's pants)
Alec: Just sit still and enjoy it
Andrew: A-Alec stop
Alec: No, I can tell you like it by the look on your face
Andrew:  N-No S...Stop
(Alec lays Andrew down kissing him and grabbing him. He scratches Andrew's back and starts to hop on Andrew repeatedly)
Andrew: A-Alec stop
[Ilyanna calls Andrew and he doesn't pick up after three calls ilyanna messages him]
Ilyanna: Are you ok?
(Alec messages ilyanna pretending to be Andrew)
Yeah, I'm fine. Went to Gio's but I will be back in an hour
Ilyanna: Ok, love you
Love you too
[Andres finally Cumbusts*See what I did there* and Alec doesn't get off of him]
Andrew: Alec please get off I do the want you getting pregnant
Alec: No fuck me
Alec: No
(Andrew shoves up forcing Alec to wimper and be paralyzed for a second. Andrew rolls over)
Andrew: If you want it so badly then just ask next time when I'm single
(Andrew continues to fuck Alec for a few minutes and Alec can only bite his lip and moan)
[The next day Andrew gets home at 7am]
Ilyanna: Hey babe, you were gone for a long time
Andrew:  here is your medicine I need a shower
Ilyanna: Babe?
(Andrew takes a shower and is in the shower from 8-9. Ilyanna checks on Andrew)
Ilyanna: Babe are you ok?
(There is a small blood trail to the shower, it leads to Andrews wrist dangling off the tub next to pull bottles)
Ilyanna: OMG NO
(ilyanna calls 911)
[For three days Andrew was hospitalized and pumped. He successfully survived with barely any harm besides his wrist]
(Andrew wakes up in a hospital bed next to Nathan, Gio and Gavin)
Gavin: He is awake!
Gio: Thank god
Nathan: Took him long enough its been hours since they pumped him
Gavin: I don't think he can see that well
Nathan: It's not like he was knocked out for half a week
Gio: Now isn't a time to joke
Gavin: Yeah Nathan, but forget that at least his is awake and moving
(Andrew studders and struggles to speak)
Where... Where is ilyanna?
Gavin: Andrew. She. Moved up North a two days ago.
(Andrew sits up with his eyes wide open, tearing off all the equipment. Then stumbling to the ground)
Nathan: Jesus, get back in the bed.
Andrew: I gotta see her
Gio: I'm sorry man..she is already gone.
Nathan: Yeah...
Gavin: her phone is off too
Gio: He was the only one working so he couldn't pay for it
Andrew: When..was the bill
Gio: yesterday
Andrew: Gavin give me my phone
(Gavin passes his phone, Andrew pays the bill and calls ilyanna)

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