What a time to be alive

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[Andrew wakes everyone up early and gets everyone to pack the truck. Its packed just enough to fit everyone in]
Andrew: Ok since we dont have much room illyana can sit on my lap
Illyana: ok daddy
Nathan: Hold on what about this empty seat?
Andrew: Chandler sit in the fucking back
Chandler: Fucking sit in the back. Go kill yourself
Andrew: Now that were all packed lets go
[As they head towards the highway the radio turns on a station reporting a shelter and it has room for only a handful of people left]
Andrew: Everyone quiet down
Radio: If anyone is out there and can hear this, the shelter is is Georgia. The shelter is near the boarder and we will have many safety procedures on the way to it so no one can be harmed. Again if anyone is out there head to SOUTH Georgia border. We have food and supplies for everyone.
Andrew: Well i know where we're all going
Nathan: Where Andrew Jackson
Andrew: Nathan im not afraid to drop you
Nathan: Chill it was a joke, chill chill
[As time passes they get to the border]
Guards: Can everyone please remove them selves from the vehicle. We will be checking your bags and your bodies for bite marks and wounds that could cause infection
[They inspect the car then they inspect the people]
Guard 1: Yeah she has a bite mark on her neck and leg.
Andrew: NO..no that was from me. Things got carried away in the bedroom and you can check me for infections
Guard 1: Hmm..ok
Guard 2: What are these bags holding
Andrew: Food, Ammunition for our safety and water
Guard 2: Were taking these bags and we will give you them inside
Andrew: No youre not. Give us the bags back.
Guard 2: Sir go inside
Andrew: No fuck you.
[Andrew hits the guard knocking him out and taking his gun. Shooting both guards They take the bags and go inside]
Guard 3: Go that way then turn right. Pull into the garage and unload your bags to the elevator. Try any shit and we will kill you
Andrew: Dont worry about us
[Andrew drives to the area and unloads the bags]
Andrew: Take 2 guns each and were taking everyone out. Load up and follow me.
Nathan: What are we doing?
Andrew: Genocide
Illyana: Babe?
Cassie: Im not killing innocent people!
Andrew: Keep quiet and follow me. Load up now
[They head to the shelter in the base and aim the heavy guns. No ones looks at them, Andrew cocks the gun and yells]
[Everyone kills all the people in the area. Every guard running over is instantly shot]
Cassie: i cant do this
Andrew: Ok, easy choice
[Andrew shoots cassie in the head]
Andrew: We empty this place from top to bottom, its our new shelter

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