Two brothers and a Dilemma

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Nathan: hey you got a basketball?
Gavin: yeah, you wanna go to the court?
Nathan: Well duh
Gavin: Bet
[They walk to Lombardy]
Gavin: Who are these people I've never seen them here
Nathan: I don't know but it seems sketchy
[Andrew calls]
Nathan: Hey Andrew Jackson
Andrew: Where is gavin?
Nathan: Right here
Gavin: Hey
Andrew: Please tell me youre out your house
Gavin: No Nathan and I went to Lombardy
Andrew: Get the fuck back home now
Gavin: Why?
Andrew: There is a virus called Z0M813 and it's already spreading in highly populated areas
Gavin: Ugh this isn't a video game
Andrew: Yeah I know, get home
Gavin: Fine
[Andrew ends the call]
Nathan: What's he want?
Gavin: Supposedly there is a thing called Z0M813 and it's spreading all over the place, let's just play basketball
Nathan: Hey dumbass that spells zombie
Gavin: Oh yeah, you right. So you wanna play a game?
Nathan: I'm out, bye
Gavin: C'mon what could go wrong
[Gavin turns around and sees a zombie walking up to him from the court]
Gavin: Nathan!
Nathan: Fucking what Gavin!
Gavin: Zombies!
Nathan: fuck
[Over by Alec]
Alec: Fucking shit now I'm wet and have no clothes. This is just great, might as well go home. (Alec pours the fuel in the car and heads home)
Alec: Mom! Hola?
(Growls and screams come from his parent room)
Alec: What happened
(Blood is all over the bed and his brother is attacking his parents)
Alec: Stop, please! Stop!
(His brother looks at him and slowly crawls)
Alec: Stop moving. Stay there
(Alec grabs the closest object and hits him repeatedly)
Alec: I really need new clothes
(Alec quickly grabs clothes takes a shower and packs to head out going up North)
[Over by Andrew]
Andrew: Hey babe
Ilyanna: Yeah?
Andrew: I'm not too sure about having kids but I wanna do something with you. I know we can't get condoms but I just wanna relax
Ilyanna: Ok let's pull over here
(They pull over by a McDonald's and lock the doors covering the doors with tape and paper so they can't be seen bothered or attacked)

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