(Chapter 2)BenchMarking

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[Gavin and Nathan sit in Gavin's living room for an hour]
Nathan: I'm bored as fuck, what you wanna do
Gavin: Generator
Nathan: Where can we get a fucking generator and why
Gavin: To power the TV, air conditioning and the PlayStation
Nathan: that's a neck
Gavin: We don't have time for that where can we find a generator
[Over by Andrew]
Andrew: I know this is bad timing but ilyanna sit up front, Alec sit back here and I will drive
Ilyanna: But...but do I have to stop
Andrew: I didn't tell you to
Ilyanna: Thank you daddy
Andrew: No need to
Alec: I'm still here
Andrew: Yes I know this but get your clothes back on Alec look like you got fucked
Alec: I got a bit outta hand with myself
Andrew: Couldn't tell
(Andrew drives with ilyanna and Alec to Gavin's house)
Gavin: Hey, I'm not gonna ask why you three are with each other but we need a generator
Andrew: Why?
Gavin: To power the PlayStation and tv...
Andrew: The world's basically ending, Apocalypse has occured and we have barely any food or drinks but you wanna power a ps4
Gavin: Mmmm. Yes
Andrew: Fuck you
Nathan: I don't know where we can find one
Alec: There should be one down by Lombardy but it's a shelter
Nathan: How do you know that?
Alec: Cuz I pay attention to the news.
...When it was still on....
Andrew: Ok then Alec and Nathan go get the generator and take these
(Andrew hands them two pistols and a shotgun)
Andrew: Protect yourselves
Alec: You know I will
(Alec winks at Andrew)
Ilyanna: I will fuck you up if you do that again
Alec: Do it I don't care, I'm bisexual
Ilyanna:..and are desperate for sexual attention
Andrew: Fucking stop already, babe get in the house. Alec, go with Nathan.
Nathan: When did you become the leader?
Andrew: When I fucked Alec, Ilyanna. Nearly killed myself, warned you about everything, grabbed all the supplies and extra guns
Nathan: hmm, Fair enough
(Alec and Nathan arrive at Lombardy)
Nathan: I see a generator but no people and its not running
Alec: Figured so but we have extra gasoline
Nathan: Can I ask you something?
Alec: what is it?
Nathan: do you like Andrew and did you two really fuck?
Alec: Yes and Yes but I'm starting to like him less. Especially because of ilyanna
Nathan: Theyve been together for a year and a few months I feel like she has every right to be mad
Alec: Yeah well... Forget it
(Nathan goes up to the generator)
Citizen 1: Hey, good to see new people that aren't already dead
Nathan: You scared the shit out of me
Citizen 2: You can't just start talking without him knowing you're there
Citizen 1: But I did so fuck you, anyways what's your name
Nathan: My name is Nathan and I'm with my friend Alec
Citizen 1: Alec? Isn't that a boys name?
Alec:.. Yes
Citizen 1: Aren't you a girl?
Alec: No
Citizen 1: Your body sure does say so
(Citizen 1 licks his lips, Nathan shoot his leg)
Nathan: We don't have room for rapists, bye
(Nathan hauls ass with the generator and Alec behind him looking back at the two strangers)
Citizen 2: Why did you shoot him!
(Alec looks back again seeing the second stranger shoot the other then herself)
Alec: oh..oh my god..
Nathan: Fuck them let's go we need this
(Alec follows Nathan back to Gavin House)

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