Limited Time

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(3 years after the coma Andrew finally woke up. No one in the room but he found a stack of cards with Illyana and their sons name. A bunch of flowers that havent been watered were all over the room and no one has visited for a month)
Nurse: Oh my god can i get a doctor!
Andrew: Whats going on?
Nurse: Help!
Anthony: What is wrong?
Nurse: Doc he just woke up
Anthony: Ok and?
Nurse: Its been years. We thought he was dead
Anthony: Oh ok. Please leave. Now
Nurse: yes sir
Andrew: Can Someone please tell me what the fuck is happening
Anthony: answer these questions for me
Andrew: Ok
Anthony: What is your wifes name?
Andrew: My wife is illyana
Anthony: how old are you
Andrew: 15
Anthony: hmm ok what year is it
Andrew: 2017
Anthony: Ok Andrew you seem to have some memory loss from the gun shot. I believe you hit your head and got a concussion. We will be calling your relatives and spouse shortly. It is 2025 and you are not a teen anymore. Before i call anyone let me do another test.
Andrew: o-ok
(The doctor tests his lungs, eye sight, digestion and how well he can move around)
Anthony: Andrew. You have 2 years to live. Im sorry
Andrew: What?!
(Andrew goes home with a look full of disbelief the entire way)
Yame: DAD!
illyana: i cant believe youre awake!
Andrew: huh? Oh yeah..glad to be back. I love you both
Yame & Illyana: i love you too daddy.
Illyana: He was my daddy first!
Yame: gonna go on playstation now.
Andrew: You got him a playstation?
Illyana: Yeah..its a ps3 but i tried. He is more like you than you think.
Andrew: Did he argue about a ps5?
Illyana: Yes and i told him stop or else i wont buy him it. So he finally got quiet but he was even quieter before we went to go see you.
Andrew: Oh..
Illyana: Yeah he actually cares about you a lot. Rememeber he is part of me too so thats where the caring a lot about you comes in.
Andrew: Yeah. We better head to bed. Is it really 2025?
Illyana: Yeah babe. Im afraid you've been unconcious since the way thats 11 years.
Andrew: Yeah i know babe. Just cuz i failed math and woke up from a coma within 3 hours ago doesnt mean i cant count.
Illyana: Three hours?! What did you do before getting here
Andrew: Did you honestly think i went anywhere else?
A drew: Half these fucking restraunts closed before the war! Plus what the fuck is a WaWa and why is it near a main road. There is too many new things i feel so seperated from society.
Illyana whispers: you were gone for 11 years
Andrew: Bedroom now
Illyana: Oooh
Andrew: Only because its almost 1 AM. Whats today?
Illyana: Wednesday, the 17th of september
Andrew: The 17th?!
Illyana:..yeah? Why
Andrew: Where is my dad at?
Illyana: Im not sure where anyone is they all disappeared during the war and havent been heard of since. Also only 3 people other than Yame and i showed up the day you went to the hospital. I think they were family? Not sure. Havent met them. It was Pauline, Benjamin and Joey. Thats it.
(Andrew calmly walked to their room)
Illyana: You need a shower before bed mister
Andrew: Fine
(Andrew sat in the shower amd thought to himself)
I cant believe my grandmother and cousins survived. I barely survived and im dying soon!..i wonder where they are.
(Illyana walks in the bathroom with only a robe)
Illyana: You ok babe?
Andrew: Yeah just thinking.
Illyana: Want me to go in there?
Andrew: If its ok with you

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