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(Its currently 8 years after the recovery. Andrew decided to go on a world tour for his rap career and his was on his last show leadong back to where his life began, Flordia. Sadly the only stadiums are in Orlando so he couldnt do a show in Deltona or Deland. But its January 2033, Andrew is walking to the stage with countless people awaiting his appearance and for the concert to start)
Andrew: Everyone ready?
Crowd: Yuh!
(Andrew starts with his song Tokyo Drift on the album From Within he gets halfway through the songs and stops moving. He hits the ground instantly, security gards rush and look if he was injured but nothing showed. He was escorted to a hospital and put on a machine keeping him breathing but not concious)
Illyana: sorry i wasnt there. Only one more concert and it would've been ok. We were so close to eachother.
Anthony: Hey, how is he doing?
Illyana: You're the one that answers that not me!
Anthony: Sorry. Well it looks good but he wont last forever so i will leave you alone and you do say your goodbye. I will be back shortly.
(Illyana immediately hugs Andrew and Cries)
Illyana: im so sorry it had to end like this babe..i wish it was easier. I wish we could've prevented it. Our son is in college, he misses you. I am trying to hold on but..i know i cant.
I love you.
(Illyana kisses Andrew on the lips)
Anthony: Mrs.O'Brien can you please step outside for me?
Illyana: Sure
(Anthony grabs a box from in the wall and stabs Andrew in the heart)
Anthony: 私はあなたが目を覚ましてすべての命令に従うことが必要です。Ты Эндрю. Откройте глаза и встаньте. This code is important, remember it. Кровопролитие, транспорт, Оружейная палата, Продвижение, Хаос. When it is said you must rush immediately to this specific location.
(^^^Watashi wa anata ga me o samashite subete no meirei ni shitagau koto ga hitsuyōdesu. Ty Endryu. Otkroyte glaza i vstan'te. Krovoprolitiye, transport, Oruzheynaya palata, Prodvizheniye, Khaos)
Andrew: Ok.
(Anthony leaves the room and tells illyana she can come in)
Anthony: Beachtung
Andrew: Hello, illyana?
Illyana: ANDREW!! YOU'RE OK?!
Andrew: Yeah i just had the craziest dream but lets get home.

Death, Upon us allNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ