7 deadly sins

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(Yame makes it to the hospital and walks in the room)
Andrew: Yame is that you?
Yame: i was called to be here. I decided to go.
Andrew: I am glad because it has been awhile. You look great.
Yame: yeah. Well i gotta go to my house
Andrew: but you just got here?!
Yame: you gotta leave too not sure where but they said so.
Andrew: oh ok
(Yame hugs Andrew and unplugs all the equipment then cutting the emergency cord)
Yame: Goodbye
Andrew: Bye...hope i can see again soon son. I really missed you.
(Yame walks out as Andrew flatlines and a single tear goes down his face as he walks)
Nurse: Sir whats going on?! Sir!
Yame: He passed away
(It has been 20 years since then and Yame is 60. His grandkids come over)
Yame: Hey, glad to see you all!
Abby, Taylor, Megan: Yaaay!! Grandpa Yame!!
Yame: Calm down, someone is at the door. I will be right back.
(Yane opens the door)
???: are you Yame
Yame: yes, yes i am. Who is asking?
???: An old friend of yours
(The man shoots Yame in the heart and face then walks in and shoots the kids.)
Andrew: If you try to kill me. I will end this family you unworthly dishonest unloyal fuck.
(Andrew shoots himself in the head)
Lady: It has been reported on last Sunday the death of the artist KazPuh. He then makes an appearance at an unexpected area! A broke down house with bodies, everywhere. From the ages 9 to 60, it seems as if he commit all the murders and turned the gun onto himself. We have no footage or audio but the gun he used was identified to have the same bullets that are in all the other victims. NBC news, back to you with the weather.

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