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[Nathan heard everything that happened between illyana and Andrew the other night. He got tired and fell asleep. When waking up the house was empty so he went to go fishing. Throught the entire fishing trip he caught 4 fish. 1 ate the hook and the other 3 gave up after being caught]
Stranger: Hey, amyone here?
Nathan:..uh..y-yeah. Down by the lake
Stranger: Thank god there are some survivers those damn things are everywhere
Nathan: oh. I havent seen any recently. Where did you come from
Stranger:i came from orange city
Nathan: How come youre in deltona?
Stranger: Looking for food, people and stuff
Nathan: Well whats your name?
Cassie: Its Cassie
Nathan: Ok, im nathan but i have a house down from here with a few others living with me. I dont know where they are right now but they are still around somewhere
Cassie: Ok well im hungry. Do you have anything?
Nathan: Right now. All i have is raw fish
Cassie: Ew. You have water?
Nathan: Yeah, here
Cassie: Thanks
[Cassie drinks the water and look at Nathan for a short amount of time]
Cassie: You said the house was empty?
Nathan: Yeah wanna go see it?
Cassie: Sure
[They walk to the house and halfway]
Nathan: Its fucking hot as shut out here
Cassie: Yeah
[Caassie takes off her shirt]
Nathan: Do you feel better now? Haha
Cassie: Yeah, i do. Why dont you take your shirt off
Nathan: Im a nigger i can handle it
Cassie: hahaha
[They get to the house and no one is still there]
Cassie: what is that smell
Nathan: Two of the survivers were murdered. Too cocky and one got bit but the bodies are gone now
Cassie: Oh. Thats nasty as fuck
Nathan: Yeah we cant really buy any cleaning supplies so. I got familiar with the smell
[Cassie walks into a room and has the door cracked open. She undresses and goes to change and Nathan sees her through the hole between the door and the wall. She looks at the door completely undressed and slowly opens it]
Cassie: coming in?
Nathan: Two different ways
[Over by Gio]
Gio: Hello! Anyone there! I'm on top of a gas station! one is ever there. Fuck my life
Andrew: Gio! Where are you!
Gio: Andrew?! I-im on the circle k!
Andrew: how did you get up there
Gio: i climbed it
Andrew: we'll be right there
Gio: Who is with you?
Andrew: Illyana and Chandler
Gio: Ok!
[As time quickly passes its like all the zombies disappeared and went to another area. It was too quiet. But they couldn't take any chances to slowly leave]

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