The Great Wall

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[Nathan and Chandler head out on the road and make it to South Carolina where there still are a few shelters but less people]
Nathan: On the map it says turn here
Chandler: i know where the fuck to turn. Its right on this road
Nathan: look in another direction for me because i think we are behind it
[Chandler turns around to see a huge base with people walking around as if it was a civilization]
Chandler: Lets not pull another Andrew. Lets act casual
Nathan: The fuck is casual. Its the apocolypse and were two guys in a damn car.
Chandler: Nevermind just be calm
Nathan: Why would i be worried? I dont have a reason to be worried until now because you saying stay calm
[They drive up to a gate and three guards walk out]
Guard 1: こんにちは、ここに座ってください。我々は安全のために車を空にする。
Nathan: Fucking great we dont speak whatever he just fucking spoke
Chandler: Nust calm down ok. Excuse me sir but we only speak english
Guard 2: 今すぐ車から降りてください!
Nathan: Fuck this i am getting out.
Chandler: No dont!
[One of the guards escort Nathan to the side and sit him down]
Guard 1: 君も.
Chandler: What do i do?!
Nathan: Just get the fuck out and sit next to me.
[The guards put their guns down and check the car. They find guns and explosives]
Guard 1: *CRRK* ゲートから町へ *CRRK*
Guard 3: Yes, this is town. What is it gate?
Guard 1: 私たちには問題があります。 2人のアメリカ人は爆薬と銃を持っていますが、敵対的ではないようです.
Guard 3: Let them in and park their car. We will take what they have and treat them as a normal citizen.
[The guards walk them to the back seat and drive up to a parking area]
Guard 1: このようにしてください。
[The guard points to the city and does the walking motion with his fingers]
Nathan: Ok. Looks like were safer than we thought.

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