Betrayal at its finest

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Anthony: Get off your knees you fucking fool. I told you what would happen now go get him and this will all be over with.
Andrew: No..i won't bow down to you. What the fuck even are you?!
Anthony: Ouch...that actually kinda hurt because my name tag is right here and im clearly human. Well now you know
Andrew: I fucking hate you
Anthony: Thought so. Now go or shit will get bad quickly
(Andrew is thrown out the house and as he gets up Yame runs faster away.)
Yame: No, you killed her! Leave me alone!
Andrew: No son, come back please!!
(As Yame runs, crying and looking everywhere to find a place for hiding, he goes into a store and yells)
Yame: Help me, my dad killed my mom, help!!
Clerk: AAH
Yame: Lock the doors please, lock them!
Andrew: Son listen i didn't do it! It was Anthony.
Yame: i hate you!
(Andrew huts the ground and starts shaking)
Clerk: I gotta call an ambulance!
Yame: No! Let him lay there and die...
Clerk: i will go to jail, i must call them.
(Yame grabs the register)
Yame: LET...HIM...DIE
(Yame smashes the Clerk with the register and using anything in his reach to attack the Clerk. After 25 minutes someone calles the police and an ambulance picks up Andrew and Yame. The Clerk was murdered but Andrew was instantly found guilty after Yame telling what he believed. For years Andrew sat in a hospital. As time went by he cried more, told the nurses every time they asked him if he was ok that he was only worse, lying to an extent so he wouldn't go to jail. He sat in there for 15 years. Yame turns 35 soon and hasn't seen Andrew since the night of Illyana's death. Yame was called by Andrew's Doctor to inform him he can visit and it would help. Yame came back from therapy and is on his way now)

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