Thirteen (Kinks) Justin Bieber

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“…but I was thinking, maybe we should-Hello, earth to Y/N. Anyone home?” Justin waved his hands in front of Y/N’s face. She quickly focused her eyes on his face. “Mhm?” she mumbled.

“Where did I lose you?” he asked curiously, wondering what was on her mind. They were discussing which movie they’re going to watch.

“Um, you were saying something about, um, the girl on the train? You said you would like to watch it, since you liked the book so much.” she spoke unsurely, wondering if he even spoke of that. She knows they had that conversation few days ago, but did he mention it today, she wasn’t certain.

As a respond he giggled. She joined him, she loved when he would giggle, his eyes would nearly shut, his smile would grow so big and the sound was just like an angel was laughing.

“So I’ve lost you like three days ago. I didn’t even mentioned it today. FYI I was telling you about this new movie “Don’t Breathe”, but now I’m very interested what was on your mind.” His smile grew even wider, he looked like he caught her in some kind of embarrassing action, and he actually did, without even knowing. She could feel hotness spreading around her face, she knew she looked as red as a tomato. She buried her face into her palms.

That made Justin giggle even more. “Oh don’t tell me that you were picturing me naked?” he wiggled his eyebrows. He knew it would make her blush even more, and he just couldn’t resist teasing her. “You know, you could’ve just asked, I would even put a show for you.”

She immediately lifted her head up and yelled giggling “NO” her cheeks were dark red. She once again covered her face.

“So you don’t want me to put on a show for you?” Justin placed his left hand over his chest, pretending to be hurt. “I am deeply offended, Y/N.”

He couldn’t keep a straight face, not around her. She was just so embarrassed, it was the cutest thing ever. He extended his arms to her. “Come”

She shyly moved from her place on the couch and sat onto his lap. She buried her face into crotch of his neck. He chuckled once again, and so did she. “Now will you tell me what you were thinking about, if it wasn’t me naked?”

She took a deep breath. She had some thoughts on this, and how to explain it to him, without him getting hurt. She moved her face from his neck and looked deeply into his eyes. By now, his face wasn’t all giggly and happy anymore, it was rather serious.

“Y/N, what is it? You’re scaring me.” he looked concerned. She placed her hands on his chest and started playing with the fabric of his shirt.

“No, no, it’s nothing that serious, you don’t have to be worried. I just. Ugh, I don’t know how to say this. You know I’m not good at these things.” His face lightened up a little bit.

“So you were picturing me naked.”

“No I wasn't.”

“Well then you were picturing us having sex.” Her cheeks went red once again. “So you were. You know you don’t have to picture something like that when I’m right there.” He got closer to her. She knew where this was leading and she had nothing against it, but it was now or never.

She lightly pushed him back down, and he looked at her confused. He wanted to say something but she cut him off.

“Technically, yes I was picturing us naked, but there was more to it.” Her eyes once more focused on her hands rather than his eyes. She could tell that he was very intrigued by now, and he wanted to know more than just that.

Justin Bieber & Jason McCann Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now