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November 10, 1983Judith Edwards•

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November 10, 1983
Judith Edwards

     Judith walked along with Dustin and Lucas, watching Eleven and Mike walk in front of them. The two were deep into a conversation about the noticeable cut on Mike's chin, when Lucas smiled and grabbed his bag.

"I forgot to give you this earlier, I've been waiting all day." The boy chuckled and handed Judith a container, with a slice of pumpkin pie inside. Judith looked up at him and returned the smile.

"I wasn't going to admit it, but I've actually been craving this for a while." The female smiled and looked over to Dustin who nodded. While Judith looked ahead, she couldn't help but grin at how great her friends were.

On the other hand, there was Dustin glaring at Lucas. The two have always had a crush on Judith, but they tried there best to not make it noticeable. Mike loves them all, and is frightened by the idea that they can fall apart so they made a promise to not ask her out. Getting her to ask them out was never apart of the plan.

"Did you know that I actually didn't like pumpkin pie until I tried this delicious pumpkin pie made from a family recipe?" Judith turned to the two boys who were silently arguing behind her.

"Oh, that's cool. Who made it?" Dustin asked his friend.

"My mom." Judith nodded and continued to walk, but instead of a grin, there was a tint of sadness. None of the kids really knew that her mother abandoned her except for Mike, and that's only because the two families are close and Karen is quite a nosey woman. Being the sweetheart he is, Mike tried to cheer her up with loads of stories of powerful people without a mother growing up. Though it made her feel better at the time, she had never felt so useless.

"I haven't seen her in a while, but we never go to your house anymore." Dustin chuckled and shoved Judith lightly to get a laugh out of her.

"Hey guys, hurry and catch up!" Mike called out and made eye contact with Judith. It was no question that he could hear what they were talking about.


By the time it was dark, everybody was in quite a hurry to find Will and return to the comfort of their homes. Eleven sped up faster, and soon they came out of the path to see the Byers house.


"Yeah, this is where Will lives." Mike responded to the girl and looked around. Judith seemed to be the only one wondering how she knew that.

"Hiding." The girl whispered, a scared face plastered on.

"No, no, this is where he lives. He's missing from here, understand?" Mike again told her, as if she were clueless.

Lucas and Dustin rode up, out of breath. Lucas then furrowed his eyebrows. "What are we doing here?"

"She said he's hiding." Judith told him, in a 'duh' tone.


"I swear if we walked all the way out here for nothin—"

"That's exactly what we did! I told you she didn't know what the hell she was talking about!" Lucas yelled and pointed to El, the girl looking confused with a mixture of sad. Judith grabbed Elevens hand for comfort. Eleven had flinched, but after seeing it was somebody that she trusted, she calmed down.

Mike rolled his eyes and took two steps towards Eleven, his head tilted. "Why did you bring us here?"

While Eleven stammered, Lucas interrupted. "Mike, don't waste your time on her."

"What do you want me to do then?" Mike raised his voice.

"Call the cops like we should have done yesterday!" Lucas replied.

"We are not calling the cops." Judith announced, and that seemed to shut Lucas up quickly. Mike continued babbling, condoning Lucas to begin arguing with him again.

"Hey, guys?" Dustin stated, while he looked up into the distance. "Guys!"

After he screamed, everybody turned to the direction the sound was coming from. Sirens. Three cop cars, and an ambulance passed and gave them enough time to think of what happened.

"Will." Judith whispered and ran to her bike, everybody going to their own while Eleven hopped onto Mike's.

Following the sounds of the sirens, the kids went through the forest in a quicker route and arrived to the lake, where all the cops and ambulances were. Judith dropped her bike along with the others, and hid behind the ambulance. The girl was too scared to see, and apparently it was notable because somebody grabbed her hand.

Looking up, Judith smiled at Eleven and they all looked at the two cops grabbing something from the lake onto a raft. It was a body, a body belonging to the twelve year old Will Byers.

"It's not Will, it can't be." Mike shook his head. Judith quickly let go of Elevens hand and put them over her own mouth.

"It's Will, it's really Will." Lucas sighed, knowing the truth. They all went behind Judith, but she couldn't help but keep staring. Tomorrow was supposed to be her sleepover with Will, where he was supposed to be alive and healthy. Instead, he was dead.

"Mike.." Eleven reached for Mike, but he slapped her hand away which cause Judith to quickly flicker her eyes at the scene arising behind her.

"Mike? Mike what? You were supposed to help us find him alive! You said he was alive, why did you lie to us? What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you?" The small boy went off on the girl, and all she replied with was a soft call of his name. Mike scoffed and grabbed his bike in a hurry.

"Mike, come on, man. Don't do this." Lucas called out for him, his voice breaking and him almost in tears.

"Mike, where are you going?" Dustin asked.

"Mike!" Judith yelled, seeing as he was already getting farther away. The girl looked back at Will once again, and began to cry as she ran for her bike and began hearing her name getting called as well.

She quickly peddled home, and ran inside her house, shutting the door. Judith wasn't sure what to do, but the tears were not going to wait for her to be comfortable, they were already falling.

"Judie, are you okay?" Liam came and asked his daughter.

"Daddy, he's dead." Judith sobbed and hugged him tightly. Though Liam was unaware of what had take place, he could only assume it was about Will. The man was fond of Will, and couldn't even imagine what his little girl felt.

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[1100 words]

I'm so sorry this chapter was short, but it was pretty sad and I was watching he episode and got emotional.

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