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November 12, 1983
Judith Edwards

As they rode they're bikes quickly down the street, both Lucas and Judith tried screaming into the walkie talkies.

"I think it will work better if one us do it! You can!" Judith yelled as they peddled as fast as their little feet could.

"They Answered! Yes, I copy! Do you?" Lucas screamed into the walkie. "They know about Eleven! Get out of there, they know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!"

"Lucas! I think they got it! Put the heat in your voice into your peddling because you're falling behind!" Judith yelled and tried to push her hair out of her face while keeping balance on the bike.

"You do it!" Lucas yells as he tossed her the walkie talkie, since the other one is in the bag.

"Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?" Judith yelled into the machine.

"Yeah, Judith, they're on us."

"Where are you?"


"Meet me at Elm and Cherry!"

"Copy, Elm and Cherry!"

The two bikes come out of nowhere as everybody abruptly stop.

"Lucas, Jude!" Mike smiled.

"Where are they?" Lucas asked and looked around.

"I don't know! I think we've lost them." Dustin said.

"Spoke to soon! Lets go! Mike go in front of us! Go, go!" Judith yelled and rode behind Mike and Eleven.

"Faster, faster!" Mike screamed, as Dustin couldnt stop yelling profanities. A van turned into the street, about to close in on the four bikes, until suddenly the van went flying on top of the kids.

As they rode, nobody said anything. It was only quietness, though it couldn't have gone unnoticed.

The kids peddled all the way onto the abandoned place where they had their previous fight. Once off the bike, the excitement rushed to their heads. "Holy, holy shit! Did you see what she did to that van?"

"No, Dustin, we missed it." Mike used sarcasm and sat Eleven down.

"I mean that was, it was.."

HEY JUDE. (stranger things)Where stories live. Discover now