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November 12, 1983Judith Edwards•

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November 12, 1983
Judith Edwards

Judith tossed a grape up in the air, but it never came down. The girl opened her eyes to see Lucas's hand right above her mouth.

"Did you just jack my grape?" Judith asked and stood up from the grass she was laying on.

"Why are you in my back yard?" Lucas asked the brunette who quickly stood up.

"I didn't say goodnight to you yesterday, I felt bad. My only friends basically hated me." Judith told him.

"None of us hate you, Jude. You're actually my favorite right now. Well, you always are but now more than ever."

"What? I didn't know that."

"It's fine, I know you technically have to love Mike the most. You've known him since before you guys left the stomachs of your moms."

"Lucas, I don't have a favorite. But I sure am glad you're not angry at me." Judith smiled and gave him a hug. "Is your head okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Just hurts a bit."

"Judith?" Erica yelled and walked outside with a doll in her hand. "Do I need to keep asking why you hang out with my dweeb brother?"

"Erica, go inside." Lucas groans as the little girl rolled her eyes and walked inside. "Now where were we?"

"Just asking how your head was." Judith smiled.

"I like you." Lucas said quickly then widened his eyes. Judith also raised her eyebrows, as her palms grew sweaty.

"I like you too!" Judith chuckled and shoved him lightly.

"No, Judith. I like like you. More than a friend, and I always have. I don't know if you feel the same way and honestly I'm just taking a chance here but I really hope you say you like me too because every time I see you my happiness instantly increases, and you make my world a better place. It's like you could always make me laugh. You've got this energy around you that just makes me believe that you're my soulmate. I know I'm only 12, but I know how I feel. I know that we belong together." Lucas explained to Judith and grabbed her hand, and Judith laughed and quickly pulled back.

"My.. my dog. I forgot to feed him. I'll get back to you." Judith smiled nervously and ran to her bike, riding to the only other person she could talk to right now.

"But you don't even have a dog!" Lucas ran after Judith, but wasn't fast enough.

"You don't know that, Sinclair!"


Judith ran inside of Mike's house, but walked right into him and Dustin, as they all fell to the ground. Judith always had one negative trait, she was super clumsy.

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