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— CHAPTER 10 —

November 11, 1983Judith Edwards•

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November 11, 1983
Judith Edwards

"How much further?" Lucas asked Dustin, who was in the middle on him and Judith.

"I don't know. These only tell direction, not distance. You really need to learn more about compasses." Dustin told his delusional friend while Judith ignored the fact that she also knew nothing about compasses.

"I'm just saying, how do we know when we get to the gate?"

"Uh, I think a portal to another dimension is gonna be pretty obvious!" Dustin mocked Lucas's voice.

"Will you two please shut up for once? I'm tired of this being a constant, especially you being all sarcastic. And don't even get me started on you, Mr. know it all! Maybe the gate won't be so obvious, remember what Mr. Clarke said? In the middle of the rope? You two are both annoying!" Judith groaned in anger and crossed her arms while the two murmured 'sorry' under their breath.

Lucas turned to look at Eleven, and noticed her wipe her nose. "Do you guys think she's acting weird?"

"You're asking if the weirdo is acting weird?" Dustin chuckled and looked back at his compass.

"I mean weirder than normal?"

"I don't know, who cares?"

After walking for a while, the three in front had a conversation that was useless, as well as one or two pathetic arguments. Judith turned around to look at Mike and Eleven talking, and squinted her eyes. Eleven seemed worried, like something was following her. As Judith saw a trickle of blood drop from Eleven's nose, she chose to ignore it but turned around with confusion.

When they followed up on a small area full of an abandoned bus and some old cars, Dustin looked up. "Oh no."

"Oh no? What's 'Oh no'?" Lucas asked and stepped up next to Dustin.

"We're headed back home."

"What? Are you sure?" Lucas and Dustin argued once again, no surprise to the brunette.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Setting sun, right there. We looped right back around."

"And you're just realizing this now?"

"Why is this all on me?"

"Because you're the compass genius!"

"What do yours say?"

"North!" Mike, Lucas, and Judith all say.

"This makes no damn sense." Dustin sighed, as well as Lucas.

"Maybe the gate moved." Mike said, but Judith had a theory that had her tummy feel sick.

"No I don't think its the gate, I think it's something else screwing with the compass." Dustin told him, and Judith looked at Eleven. She walked up to her and grabbed her sleeve, full of wiped blood. Judith shook her head and backed away into Lucas, who was watching the entire time.

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