Fighting at 15

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"I'll have this bed, you guys can share that one. Unless you want to share mine Peter." she seductively laughed while twirling a thick lock of her dark brown hair.

That was it, that was the very moment I broke through the barrier which I named my sanity with a fucking chainsaw.

I went ape on that stupid bitch.

And it felt good.



Was what I did wrong?


Do I regret it?

Hell no.

But at that very moment, when she was running toward me screaming, I may have regretted what I did a tiny bit.



I ran over to her and threw her to that bed. After so much time living in Brooklyn, you start to pick up something's.

Don't ever fight someone you can't take.

I could take this prissy little girl on any day of the week.

Make sure your hair is up.

Fuck the hair, I was going to just take all of her's, I could make a wig out of her hair.

Make sure there isn't anyone around to stop the fight if you want to really kill the bitch.

I broke the last rule.

I had gotten on top of her, no way for her to escape. I punched the living hell out of her, it was like clock work. Left right, and over and over again. If she wasn't scratching at my face I would have thought I killed her.

While I was carving my signature L into her pretty little face, Peter was already pulling me off of her. I didn't even get to finish the last bottom line of the L.

Peter's strong arms were around me, I would have loved it. But I wasn't done yet with her just yet.

"Enough!" Peter yelled. I stopped kicking and screaming and wiggled out of his arms. "You guys need to cut the shit!" Peter yelled, veins were starting to throb on his forehead. He walked over to Zoe Taylor and got in her face.

"I do not want you, I like Laura. She is the mother to my child! So stop pulling up your skirt in front of me, stop saying all those sexy remarks to me, and you better treat Laura with respect!" Zoe Taylor got quiet. She smoothed her dark brown hair down and pulled her skirt down so it didn't show most of her tan ass.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." she whispered. He nodded his head and looked at me. " And you." he walked over to me, " I love you so much, I don't care if we are dating or not, I really do love you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his forehead to mine.

" I will never leave you, so don't even ask me too. I'm going to be the father of that child, and sooner or later, I will marry you. " I wrapped my arms around his neck and I smiled.

"Are you drunk? Or are you stoned?" I giggled.

"I smoked half of a blunt. But I still mean it." he smiled.

And at that moment I was the happiest I have ever been. Everything was going my way. At that moment, I didn't care that my father may not want to talk to me anymore, or that my mother was still the way she was.

I even forgot that Zoe Taylor was there.

Until she started to cry.


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