Not an update at 15

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I am soooooo sorry that I haven't posted anything on this story in awhile. And I'm so sorry. I have had my hands full with different things at the moment.

Please remember it is summer, I am a teenage girl. I want to do fun stuff, like eat Pringles till I get sick. Also, I have been working on different books. I am currently working on my very first Ashton Irwin fanfiction. Maybe by ZoeyLynn (Zoey Lynn is not my name. I made a random thing, don't judge me.), so if you really want so of my works go check that out. Also I am trying to shove my other new book The Anatomy of a Bad Boy Dow your throats.

So read that too.

So I am sorry. This is not how I had imagined celebrating the big 15. But sometimes things go weird.

Love ya,


Jk, I don't know you.

But I feel like I do, so I jk my jk.

Pregnant at 15Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt