Hotel Rooms at 15

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I checked my diamond plaited watch again. Half past 8. They should have been here an hour ago! I understand being fashionable late and everything. But this was just plain ridiculous.

I gave up on waiting for them and headed to the bathroom. It was nice and clean, the tiles matched up perfectly. Which oddly made me feel better. I went to the shower and turned it on, and started to strip. I stepped into the shower and closed the glass door.

Once the hot water hit my body, I instantly felt better.The little hot beads of water pounded on my back rhythmically. I grabbed the soap and cleaned all my nooks and crannies.

I was about to get out, but the water felt so good. Slowly, I got down in the bath tub and felt the little drops pounding on my head.

I lied down on the tub floor and scrunched my legs into my chest.

I don't understand why.

But whenever I'm in the bath tub like this and the water is pounding on me. I always have the most clearest thoughts.

I thought about the future, like I usually did. But instead of seeing Vodka in expensive glasses and expensive clothes clinging to my body and tons of hot guys clinging to my whole body. I saw a little baby girl dressed in pink cradled in my arms.

Her little pink mouth was in the middle of a giggle and her cheeks were pink with amusement. She had my brown hair and Jackson's blue eyes. It sounds like a weird combination, but she looked beautiful.

I snapped out of the thought when I noticed the water was getting cold. I got up and turned the water off.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. It was dingy from the wetness of the air, but was still soft.

I dried of carefully, and put on the cheap lotion that they provided. There was a small knock on the door.

"Fucking finally." I exhaled.

Without really thinking, I strides to the door and opened it in all of my womanness, if you know what I mean.

A young man looked up from the cart that he was carrying, an looked up at me. His big brown eyes were huge in shock. I looked down in confusion and saw my naked body in full display.

"Oh fuck, sorry." I giggled.

"Here's your clothes Miss. Taylor, enjoy the rest of your stay." he handed me a big pile of clothes and took his cart down the hallway.

I poked my head out if the door, and closed the door a little so no one could see me. "Hey wait!" I yelled to the cute worker.

He turned around to face me, " Is there something wrong? Do you need something else?" he walked to my door and looked into my eyes.

He really was cute.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I just turned 18 Miss, this is my fathers hotel, he takes care of it." He nodded.

"So you know who I am? Right?" I asked.

"Yes." he nodded. " You are one of the most famous person I have ever attended too." he smiled with pride.

"Please come in." I beckond.

He nodded his head and walked in with me. I walked to the closet and grabbed the robe that was hanging in the closet.

"I didn't catch your name." I pulled pulled the robe on and tightened the belt.

"The name's Diego." He stood right next to the door, looking a little scared. "You don't have too stand their looking so scared. I'm not going to seduce you or something. I just need someone to talk to." I smiled at him.

I went over to my bed and sat down parallel to Peter and Laura's bed. He sat down on their bed looking uncomfortable. "You know what we need? Alcohol. That always fixes everything." I bounced up from my bed and walked to the mini bar.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Diego warned. He got up from the bed and was about to walk out the door without a glance.

"Sit down, I was just kidding. I can't even drink at the moment. It could kill the baby." I laughed.

"I think TMZ would have a field day if they figured out I killed my baby." I sat on my bed and flopped to my back.

He nodded understandingly, "I'm scared." I whispered to no one in particular.

"Why?" Diego asked.

"Have you ever had a kid Diego?" I already knew the answer, I just wanted him to feel stupid.

"I have a little girl, but she is not my blood." he smiled at me. " Her names Yasmin."

I quickly peeled my back from the bed so I was staring at him. " What do you mean she's not your blood? Is she adopted?" I asked.

"I found her." he looked down at his hands like he was remembering holding her.

"I found her when I was 16. She was about 5 months, she was in a shopping cart." he wiped away a tear that was beginning to form.

"Her real mother abandoned her. I looked everywhere for her, but she wasn't there. So I took her in. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me." He checked his watch and scrunched up his face.

"I have to go, Yasmin is waiting on me." he got up from the bed and walked to the door, "I'll talk to you later." he smiled.

He opened the door and walked out. Leaving the two idiots I have been waiting at the door staring at me then at Diego.

Diego smiled at them politely and walked down the hallway. Laura and Peter looked at me in confusion.

"Did you..." Laura began.

"Oh god no Laura, I'm not a complete slut." I giggled.



Hey people if you actually read this...

Sorry that this one is short. I was experiencing some writers block for like the whole week.

Which sucks!

So I only did Zoe's point of view because I was really lazy and stuff. Sorry that I am not sorry.

So vote, comment please so I know that you are out there, and follow me.

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