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Little light whimpers came from the hospital room. "She has my eyes. And she has Jackson's hair. Also she has my nose." The baby whimpered again and opened and closed her mouth. "I'm going to name her Colette. Because she's strong." The baby gripped onto Zoe's finger and opened and closed her mouth again.

"That's a good decision. I like the name." Laura leaned towards the mother and baby and wiped her thumb over the baby's forehead. Colette opened up her eyes and looked at Laura.

Laura giggled and smiled at the little bundle wrapped up in a pink blanket. "Hi little Colette. I'm your auntie. And we are going to have the best times."

The baby opened and closed her mouth and then looked back at Zoe. Zoe smiled down at her baby and then looked at Laura. "I'm scared. I'm really scared."

"We're in Paris. What's the worse that can happen." Laura smiled at her best friend and Zoe smiled back.

"This is going to be a wild 18 years."

"You bet it will."


Author's note:

I'm done. That's it.

This book is officially done. And I'm tired. I need a nap.

Love ya,


Really this time. I love you guys.

Pregnant at 15حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن