Kicking to the Curb at 15

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"She will be just fine. It will be okay to leave today." A woman with a heavy African accent spoke with calmness. Making me feel oddly calm.

The smell of medicine and antibiotics hit my nose with force. Making it cringe with disgust. It was the one smells that I hated most in this world.


I don't know why I hate hospitals so much. It just makes my anxiety swell like a ballon.

Maybe it's because I fear hospitals.

Which is ridiculous. Hospitals aren't suppose to scare people, they help them. But I think the real reason I'm scared of them is because I'm afraid of what happens inside of them.

I fear seeing someone frail, lying in a hospital bed with the love of their life holding their hand. Grasping for the last of the person they had loved. I fear hearing a women wail in pain from holding the cold, quiet, and pale blue of the baby she held and loved inside of her for 9 months. I fear hearing the soft cries of someone who just found out that they may die because of a one night stand.

But, I mostly fear death.

I fear death.

And most people say that you should just embrace death. Be open to what will happen at any point of your life.

But I just can't accept it.

There is to much on this planet to go and just die right then and there.

I had to stop thinking about it. It was considered not healthy to think about death so much. I wiped the thoughts from my head like a icky stain. And I focused all of my power on opening my eyes.

They felt like they were glued together. It hurt just trying to open them.

"Zoe?" Are you there?" a voice whispered into my ear. I know that voice, I used to be in love with that voice. My knees would go to straight to jello from just a simple syllable.

And my ovaries would be on fire from a word. But I had to stop thinking about the douche. He was bad news.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me. But I want you too know that I love you. And I will be there for you and our baby." he whispered into my ear.

My eyes shot open. Anger shooting through my veins, spreading like herion. I peeled my back off of the hospital mattress quickly and turned my head sharply to were he was.

"Get out of my room." I whispered to him. I heard a chair groan from the loss of weight and feet shuffling.

"Zoe, I can't leave you know. Your in a time of need." Jackson smiled a toothy grin.

"Now." I whispered again.

Jackson smiled at me like I was a puppy who got into the fridge and didn't know better. Making me feel even worse about myself. I shut my eyes trying to regain control of myself.

"Get out now." I said a little louder then a whisper, but still had my eyes closed.

I didn't hear his feet move. I knew he had yet to leave my hospital room. I opened my eyes, memories starting to flood my judgement. Making it hard to think rational. I opened up my eyes quickly and looked into his eyes.

He looked lovingly at me, and for a second I thought he really meant it. That he really did love me like he always said he did. But I knew that the moment that he had stepped out of my bedroom that he never really loved me. That it was always one big lie.

"Leave!" I yelled at Jackson. His eyes got wider from my sudden outburst. His hands that were about to touch my shoulder but quickly redrew it.

"Get out!" I screeched at him. He took a few steps back and stumbled into a table. He blinked a few times and started to walk out of the room. I huffed and flopped onto the bed, making it crumple underneath me.

I turned my head do that I was looking around the room.

My mother was looking at me in shook, her blue eyes wide. Laura was twiddling her thumbs and looking at her them. Smiling at them.

"What are you smiling about?" I barked at her. She tore her vision away from thumbs and smiled at me.

"I'm glad you kicked that bastard to the curb."



"At least they let me out earlier than they would. I can't stand hospitals." Zoe uttered while looking out the window of the limo. I didn't ask why she hated hospitals. I've only know her personally for less then a week and I have learned that she doesn't like people in her business.

"So where are we off to next? We could go anywhere you would like." Zoe grinned. Her face lighting up with the possibilities of getting away.

"I have to go home." I whispered to her. Her face clicking out like a lamp. She frowned a little bit, then replaced it quickly with a small smile. "We can go somewhere tomorrow, it'll be fun. Anywhere you want." I have never seen her this happy. She's usually really glum.

I wanted to ask her why she was so happy, but she doesn't like questions. And I really didn't want to bother her today. I looked down to her hands. They were pulling and lightly touching a mans jacket. She wouldn't put it down. When we were with Ms. Taylor, I had asked her whose it was. And she had no idea.

I thought it was kinda weird, but I didn't care at this moment. I was just glad she was okay physically. I would have to work on if she's okay mentally later.

I told the driver where my house was and we all drove in silence. It wasn't comfortable. But I was okay with it I guess. I know that I have only known Zoe for less than a week but she was growing on me. I was just happy that Ms. Taylor decided not to come.

I would rather her not see where I live, I know she would be silently judging me.

When we got to my house, the limo stopped and I looked at Zoe. "Are you going to be okay alone?" I whispered to her.

The corners of her mouth went up a little bit, "I'll be just fine. Not need to worry about me."

I mouthed okay and grabbed my bags. The limo door opened for me and I hopped out. Making sure not to flash the driver with the skirt Zoe had lent me. I walked to the lobby door and the car drove off.

"Can you tell me if Laura Getison is here?" A familiar voice said while I walked through the doors. I knew exactly who is was by just the way she talk to the person at the front desk. Like she's known them her whole like. Jessica turned her head and looked to see who had just came in.

"Laura." she gave me her million dollar smile.

And at that moment, I felt like I should be put on the curb.

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