Cow Manure at 15

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"You need to leave." I picked up Jackson's clothes and threw it at him while he muttered cuss words under his breath. "Why are you so moody all of a sudden?" He muttered. He started to slowly put on his pants, stopping every so often so he could get his balance back.

"I need to leave. Lock up when you leave." I walked over to my closet and pulled out the emergency bag I packed just incase I had to make a speedy escape. I grabbed a hoodie and pair of pants and shimmed it on. Then put on a pair of converse and black sunglasses. I sure do look different.

I rushed out the building when I grabbed my credit card, my hair flowing behind me as I ran. "Taxi!" I yelled at the first yellow taxi that came into view, the man driving stopped the car, letting me in. "Where to?" I shut the door and looked in the the credit card tightly held in my hands.

"Take me to the airport. And make it fast. I have a plane to catch."

"Snappy is my middle name."



"Are you awake?" A man with a white lab coat whispered while opening up the door to the hospital room. "Been up for hours." I weakly whispered back. "Tell me the bad news first."

"How do you know there's any bad news." The doctor smiled as he walked in, he took a stool from his desk and sat on it. "I think that every piece of news is good. It brings a better light to things." He smiled at me.

"Then how about this. You just lost your baby. Can you make that positive doctor?" My voice starting to get louder. "It seems that I can't." He whispered.

"I'm sorry that this had to happen to you Laura. But things happen for certain reasons. And you losing your baby must be good for something."

"Get out." My bottom lip starting to quiver, I could feel tears starting to swell over my eyelids. The doctor didn't budge from his stool, his eyes never left mine. "Get out!" I yelled at him.

"Sometimes things happen, and we can't control it. But we can control how we spin it."

I hated how right he was.

I even hated myself a little for doing this. I know that no one was at fault in this situation, but I still hated myself for everything. "Laura?" I looked up and saw a black man cowering in the corner. "Yes?" My voice had lost all of it strength.

"A call had come from your friend, Zoe, would you like to answer it?" The man had my phone in his hand, lightly holding. "Sure." I whispered back. The man walked over, his shoes lightly squeaking against the cleaned tiles.

"Hello?" I whispered in the phone, while watching the man walk out of the doorway. "Laura! Darling! How are you this splendid morning? I am doing just dandy. So dandy I decided to leave the states. My feet are officially on Paris soil. Well, not soil, did you know cows poop on that stuff? Can't get my pumps dirty." She babbled.

"Zoe." I stopped her from talking anymore about cow poop and her pumps, "Zoe, I lost my baby." I whispered in the phone. And silence was the only thing that met me. "Zoe? Did you hear me?"

"I must go darling. I found my mother's house. We will talk when I get back."

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