Old Mistakes at 15

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"I called you into my office to tell you that I was just informed about your little problem." Mr. Vic smiled at me.

"What are you talking about? What's my problem?" usually when I was called into the principal's office, it's because I win an award or they wanted to ask about my home life. But they never told me anything about my "problems".

"There was an altercation with a student and her boyfriend. You may know the couple. Jessica and Ryan. Do they sound familiar? " Mr. Vic put his hands in his lap and looked at them for awhile, the looked back at me, "Jessica was yelling at Ryan for a very weird thing. She kept yelling at him saying that the baby was his. Jessica had her mind set that Ryan and you have somehow conceived a child together. And I called you in here to ask if these rumors are true."

I tried to talk, I really did, but the words kept cramming down into my throat, like I was choking on them. Then I realized that this was not words getting stuck in my throat, it was vomit. And I didn't realized that until I was puking on Mr. Vic's nice clean desk. The peaches I had for breakfast were now floating around in vomit. I looked at the peaches then at Mr. Vic.

"I need to go to the nurses office."



I sat on the couch and idly flipped through the channels, I never knew it was so hard to stay at home and do absolutely nothing. But I had to admit they it felt nice to be in nothing other then a huge shirt and a pair of ratty old panties that I accidently put in my bag.

I was looking at a man cut up carrots when there was a knock on the door,  "Listen kid, you seem nice and everything, but I will not give you a piece of my hair!" I yelled while getting up from the couch and slowly walking to the door.

When I opened the door I barely had enough time to register the attack. a pair of soft lips were hungrily smashing into mine. My eyes fluttered shut and I began to kiss back.  The lips ripped away from mine, and my eyes  flew open.  "Pregnancy sure hasn't changed you. "

There stood my ex boyfriend. And can I just say that I really hated him, but I still wanted to do the freak between the sheets with him. Was this the pregnancy talking? Or was I just going crazy.

"What do you want Jackson? " I snapped at him,

"To tell you the truth, I don't really know.  But I do know what you want. "Jackson smirked.

"Usually I would shut the door in your face them go back to fantasizing about eating everything. But at the moment, if you still have not noticed, I am pregnant with your devil seed. So at the moment I want to kiss you so much.So that means that you have to kiss me."

Jackson shrugged and wrapped his arms around my waist them started to kiss me.

Excuse me Father, shall I am going to sin just once more.


Author's note:

Sorry this was short

I have had alot of books to write, covers to make, and I surprisingly still have friends with such a busy schedule.  So I have alot on my plate at the moment.

But I promise that you will have another chapter soon.

I am also hoping to end this book at 30 or less chapters because I still have other books to write.

But we will see where it takes us.

Please vote, comment, follow me,  and read more of my other works. 

Or not idc.

- mchanel

Also thanks for 600 reads!

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