France at 15

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I clicked the off button and flung my phone out of the town car I was able to get. I was tired of my phone, it always seemed to give me bad news. "Est-ce l'endroit?" Is this the place? I asked the man driving the car. "Yes." He responded in English.

I thanked the man and grabbed my single piece of luggage. I turned back and waved at him, and he sped off without a single nod. I turned back to face the house, it seemed new. Very new actually, no paint missing, the door was still glossy, and the two story was not leaning at all. I pulled up the handle to the bag and walked to the glossy brown door.

My finger gravitated towards the button, but I stopped myself before I could hit it.

Maybe this isn't a good idea.

I mean,the woman gave me up when the going got tough. She had a choice, and she chose the wrong one. She chose to let me go. But I had a chose now. Was I going to be let go that easy?

Hell no.

I hit the button and a loud buzz went off. "Attendez une seconde !" Wait a second! A woman yelled from inside the house. Tapping came from inside the stopped. Slowly the door opened, and a beautiful woman was in view.

"Hello." She spoke with a heavy accent. I looked at her, first starting off with her feet. She was barefoot, and her pants had paint on them. So did her shirt and her arms. She had a heart shaped face, her lips were like mine, curvy and full. Her eyes were almost like butterfly wings. And her hair was cropped short, but still wavy, and was dark brown with a strand of grey.

"Mom?" I whispered.

The women looked at me with a weird look, then her eyes started to get softer. "Zoe?" She softly put a hand on my cheek, "Is it really you?"

I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Yes it is. But mother. I need to ask you a question."

She stepped out of her house and onto the white porch. "Anything bébé." She stroked my cheek and smiled.

"If I made the same mistake as you once did. Would you still love me?"



"I'm sorry Laura, things got out of hand, and I didn't know it would end this way." Ryan sobbed, he was lightly holding my hand like I was going to break if he squeezed. "you should be sorry Ryan. But I do not blame you for anything." I lightly whispered to him.

He wiped his eyes and looked at me, "I have done a lot of bad things. But this is the worst." He cried even more.

I hate to say that he was not the only one who shed tears in my hospital room. Peter had cried silently, I didn't even know he was standing in my doorway until he left. My mother and father also cried about my lose, but they never apologized. Jessica had not cried in my room because Jessica was in holding at the county jail. I think Zoe was in Paris. I'm not sure with that one.

Everyone was gone. But there tears stayed.

And as I was lying down, the soft buzz of the tv was going, I knew that I was not going to shed anymore tears.

I had to be strong.


Author's note:

That's it. I end the story right here.

But don't you worry, there is still an epilogue.

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