Guns at 15

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"We have to visit my father for the day. I want to tell him face to face about this whole pregnancy thing." I sighed.

I was in one of the seats of the black limo. Peter and Laura were across from me, Laura was snuggled into the crook of Peter's neck while closing her eyes slightly.

Peter was alert and looking at her every so often then looking at me.

I noticed that Peter was always alert when Laura was around him. He never really slept. When he was in bed with Laura, he always made sure to close his eyes until Laura was asleep. Then he would open his eyes and stare at her for a few minutes. After that, he would turn onto his back and look up at the wall.

Ever since I was little I would like to watch people while they were asleep. Memorizing everything my mother and father did while sleeping. My therapist said that it has something to do with the fact I like to figure out people before they figure out me.

I don't know why we paid him. I could have figured that one out all by myself.

I remember how mother always creased up her face while she's sleeping. Like she's in some type of bad dream. Father would smile a lot in his sleep, then fidget under the covers slightly.

I never knew what he was doing when I was just a small girl. But now I know he was thinking of his French hookers. Smiling and smirking to himself.

They never found out I was hiding in mother's huge walk in closet, spying on there every move. Never really bothered to check if I was really in my own bed.

I've stop doing that. But whenever I get the chance, I look at people while there sleeping. Just to see what they are really like when they think no one is looking.

We rode in silence, which was fine by me. I always liked the peace and quiet. Even though TMZ always says that I like the big party scene.

When we got to my house, I walked right in. We never locked the door, we had security guards everywhere and a shitload of cameras. My father always said that he wanted us to be safe. But I already know it's just to see if my mother is sneaking around with anyone.

My father was silently on the suede couch drinking a glass of liquors with 4 ice cubs in it.

"Daddy? I'm home, and I brought some friends. Hope you don't mind." I said sweetly. Adding a smile.

His eyes stayed trained on the wall. He took another sip of the brown liquid and looked at me. His eyes bored into my flesh. " Just because your friends are here doesn't mean I'm not going to yell at you." he chuckled.

There goes my plan.

He took another swig of the brown substance and got up from the couch. He carefully put the glass of liquor onto the wooden table. He took long strides to where I stood. I looked at Peter, he nodded and took Laura's hand, she looked completely okay with it.

He led her down a hallway, probably one of the countless studies we have. I turned back to my father, he was getting closer and closer to where I was standing.

I backed up so that my back was flat against the door. He took one giant step towards me. An evil grin spread across his face. Showing off his straight white teeth that required going to the dentist every month.

I put my hands to his chest to stop him from getting any closet. "Not when the guest are just in the other room, don't you think so Daddy?" I smiled at him trying to calm his nerve.

"It's funny because you think I give a damn." he chuckled softly. He took my wrist from his chest and slammed them to my side. Causing me a great deal of pain.

He brought his palm back and still had that awful grin on his face. He swung his palm with great speed, then the palm connected to my jaw with a loud smack.

At first, I couldn't feel anything. Only shock took over my brain. Then I felt the throbbing pain from the back of my head to my jaw.

I feel over onto the ground from the pain and the shock. I couldn't even bring my hands to my head to protect myself. "Get away from her!" I heard a voice yell. A male one I think. But I can't really tell, everything's going fuzzy. I can't even see what's going on anymore.

I think I need a nap.



"And who the fuck are you?" Zoe's father yelled at us.

I crept back into the room, Peter was a little ahead of the doorway. His hand creeping into the back of his jeans. Zoe's father was yelling things I can't even describe. His forehead throbbing from anger. Zoe was sprawled out on the floor, a thin line of blood coming from her jaw and into her dark brown locks. She looked so peaceful. If I hadn't just seen the whole thing, I would think she was just sleeping.

"You have no right to come into my fucking house and tell me what I can and can't do. I am the superior in this house! You are nothing compared to me!" Zoe's father yelled at Peter.

Peter inched down further into his pants and quickly pulled out a small silver gun from his waistband. " I think the person with a gun is a little more superior in this situation".

I was shocked, this wasn't like Peter at all. Where would he even get a gun!

"Move away from her very slowly and I won't shot." he said strangely calm for a man with a gun.

Zoe's father put his hands up and slowly moved away from his daughter. Zoe was still lying on the floor with her arms and legs sprawled out. Her delicate chest moving up and down rhythmically.

Peter turned his head a little so he was making eye contact with me. His gun still pointed at Zoe's father's chest. "Go take Zoe to the limo. I'll be out in a moment." I nodded in understand meant. Walking quickly to where Zoe was lying.

I walked around to where her arms were and linked the inside of my elbows into her arm pit. I slid her out of the door and onto the smooth concrete. The limo driver was inside with his eyes closed a little.

I softly put her onto the concrete and knocked on the window. The limo drivers eyes shot open from his nap. He quickly got out of the limo and ran to where he was. He didn't ask any questions. He seemed like a pro at this. I already knew this wasn't the first incident.

When we were all in the car, I laid Zoe's head on my lap. Quietly whispering encouragements to her, and smoothing the little stray hairs from her face.

I was smoothing her hair when the door across from us opened. Peter was going through the door, then another women came in after him.

I recognized her from McDonald's. Which seemed like a long time ago instead of yesterday.

"Why is she here?" I shifted myself and looked at the women.

"I'm here because I'm Zoe's mother. I deserve to be here for her." she sat down in one of the vacant seats, crossing her legs. The limo started to move in the direction of the hospital. Which was about 30 minutes away.

Zoe's mother kept fidgeting with the black skirt she was wearing. Not once did her eyes dare go to her daughter.

She adjusted her top, her eyes started to drop down to her daughter was. "We can't have the press know about this little accident." was the only words that came out if her mouth.

I didn't have the will power to tell her off. I was so tired of all this. I smoothed her hair again and waited for the limo to get to the hospital.

Pregnant at 15Where stories live. Discover now