chapter 15

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I started to jog a little and had to stab a walker in the head and wiped some blood on the jacket that rose had on. they wouldn't smell her. I held her close a d put her head against my chest. I seen a pharmacy. I walked in a seen a walker with a name tag that said Chris. I stuck my knife in it. I locked the door for the frount and the back. the city of walkers were at the frount. the baby was about to cry but than I walked to the baby station and found a bear. I laid against the wall and cried. rose put the bear in her mouth. I looked at the necklace my dad gave me and wrapped it around the note dayrl had written. walkers surrounded us. I didn't feel safe down here. I laid my head back against a sheilf.  I seen a door hiding behind another sheilf. I got up and moved the sheilf. I found a pipe and

opened the door. I grabbed my bags and rose and ran up the stairs and seen a walker with an arrow in his head. "dayrl?" I asked running up the up the stairs was a rigged up door. I opened it and seen dayrl with his crops bow up. he dropped it and walked over and hugged me. I softly slapped him. we were speechless.  "how ya get past that." he pointed toward a window. I walked over as he held rose. I seen way more walkers than I expected. "I thought you died." dayrl said with sadness in his voice.

I kept looking out the window as dayrl laid rose softly around a dirty pillow and came up and wrapped his arms around my waste. I started to cry. "don't ever doubt me." I said looking deep in his dayrl. he cupped his hand on my face and he kissed my lips softly.  it felt as if it were years since that happened. in that cabin I felt like the world wasn't the way it was. I put my arms around him and felt his heart beat. we were more in shock because there were 100 of walkers outside. he just hugged me I drop my bag and I gave dayrl a bottle of water. I bottle feed rose. I sang to her as she slept and dayrl laid against the wall. he grunted and I played with him. "you didn't have to make me happy by finding my sister." I said laying my head on his chest. "I was repaying the favor." he said I gently tapped his face. "no don't." I thought to myself. I know what I wanted before but I need to sorry about rose and dayrl. life isn't no game where you can go outside and catch butterflies and feel the wind and pick flowers from a garden. no its not like that anymore. this is a world like a test. if you go outside you catch A walker and feel a bite And pick a virus.

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