chapter 17

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I woke up and rose was asleep. I climbed down and went to the kitchen to get milk for rose. I looked over and seen a girl with black hair run a crossed. I opened the door. "beth what the fuck?" dayrl said shirtless climbing Down. i whistled a little for the girl to run this way. she came in a was breathing heavy. "are you bit?" I asked the girl. she was a very beautiful person. "no,just tried." she said looking at dayrl. "how many have you killed?" dayrl asked messing with his beard. "dead or alive?" said the girl. "alive." I said. "1" she said. "who?" dayrl asked. "my mom. she asked." I looked at her. "how many dead?" dayrl asked wrapping his arm crossed. "I lost count at 16." she said wiping her jeans. I heard rose cry. "a baby?" then girl said. she got up to go to it. dayrl stopped her. "who are you to stop me." she said. "dayrl dixson and that's my baby." he said as she touched his chest. I pointed her toward the bathroom. "you can use it and here is a old robe of mine." I said handing it to her. "Stephanie." she said with a smile. "beth." I said smiling back. dayrl came over toward me after she shut the door. "what the fuck were you thinking.?" dayrl whispered. I held his chest. "there are always still good people." i said. walking up stairs feeding rose.  I started to hum. I climbed down as dayrl was trying to push Stephanie away from his lips. "hey!" I screamed. Stephanie pulled back. "I am so sorry." she said. dayrl gave her a no emotion face. I looked at him than back at her. "better not happen again." I said taking a shower. I heard the door. I knew it was dayrl. I felt him behind me. I looked over and seen Stephanie and than I closed my eyes and it was dayrl. "you OK beth?" he asked. I weirdly touched his face. she was getting to me but I didn't wanna tell dayrl. "beth?" he asked again. "ya just rose and stuff kinda exhausting." I said. "OK." he said kissing me. he got out in a towel. " you coming?" he asked as I shock my head. "I need to think alone please." I said. "I'll be out here if you need me." he said. I loved to feel the water made me feel like it was raining. all I need is thunder and lightening. I turned off the water and wrapped up I seen a shirtless dancing Stephanie. my jaw dropped. dayrl was watching but wasn't. "I'm sorry I didn't kiss him this time." she said covering herself. I looked very mad. I wanted to cry. I looked outside and seen it was dark. "you leave at sunrise." I tell Stephanie. I climbed up to see a sleeping rose wearing a bikers hat. I set up my bed on the bunk instead of the fort. I laid with rose and gave dayrl the floor.

****dayrl prov************************

I hope beth didn't take the Stephanie thing wrong way. I looked away. Stephanie could never replace beth but it was nice seeing someone else. not in that way though. I looked at Stephanie. I knew she felt bad for what she had down. "what ya do before this shit?" I asked he with a grunt. "in was a pole dancer." she said. so that's where she gets that from. " what did you family think of this?" I asked. "they didn't care." she said as she looked down. "your not a family type and your to weak to get your heart broken again so you go around as a slut to make yourself happy." I said looking at her. she didn't respond. I fucked up there. I gave Stephanie a pillow and let her sleep on the little ripped up couch. "hey dayrl?" I heard her say. I turned as she wrapped her legs around me and kissing me. I had no emotion. I dropped her Down on the couch and wiped my lips. "night." I said climbing up to see beth asleep with rose and I had my little spot on the floor. I laid down and fixed the pillow to fit my head.

*************Stephanie prov.******

I feel bad about me like dayrl but I having kissed a guy in so long whew dayrl's heard is just like I wanna pet it.  but he is with beth and I get it. I do wanna sleep. I have to be gone by sunset. I closed my eyes and felt a burn mark on my leg. it was a scratch. I wanted to panic but instead I hid it. the burn long didnt stop. I walked over to the sink and put water on it. I puked and felt sick. I laid back on the couch. my head started to pound. what is this? am I? wait no how?

note: hope you guy like this but yes Stephanie is a real girl I know that is beautiful and he begin a pull dancer And stuff is fake was just trying to build up the character  and also by adding her there will b a longer story so finger crossed but thanks so much for the comments keep them comming and thanks for the reads and all :* love you guys

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