Chapter 2

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The rest of my classes went by in a blur and when the final bell rang I couldn't wait to start cheer practice. Though all I could think about was Cody and the way he looked at me, I'd also seen him around school and as soon as he saw me he just would stare at me until he lost sight of me throughout the crowds of students. Cheer practice was great, went by quickly but the team worked really well and is nearly ready for the game tomorrow night.

After changing and going back to my locker to grab everything I needed for study that night I finally left the school building and headed home. I felt like I was being watched as I walked home so I walked faster and got home safely and also in time for dinner which was being cooked. I had enough time to shower, change into my PJ's and unpack my school bag.

I even started organising what I was going to study first and what order the rest were going to be studied. I think organisation is the key to success haha. I sat down with my family for dinner and it was absolutely delicious. We talked a little about how our days were before finishing and heading up to my room to study.

I was studying really well until Rachel texted me asking if I thought the new guy Cody was extremely hot. She was a good friend but sometimes she annoyed me and one of those times was now. She always thought every guy was hot especially the new ones. I replied no because if I didn't reply she would have hounded me til I did, with the text sent I turned back to studying but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about how Cody was staring at me today and I couldn't shake the feeling.

Once I'd finished studying I decided it was time to go to bed.

I woke up startled to the sound of my alarm. As usual I got showered and ready before going downstairs with my bag packed to have breakfast.

I walked to school on my usual route and met up with Piper, she showed me the morning paper which read 'Eastside Stalker still at large'. She explained that she would now either being taking the bus or being driven to school by her mum, her parents were worried that the stalker was still at large. She even had the nerve to tell me to catch the bus instead of walking before quickly running off towards the back gate.

First thing I did as soon as I walked in the front door was find Aidan. I needed to find out what after game activities there would be and see if I could catch a ride with him after the game. Of course I was perfect and he asked me to go with him to an after game party and he would drive me home.

So as I walked to class, I sent mum a text saying I was going to an after party and Aidan would drive me home so they didn't have to wait up.

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