Chapter 16

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I sat in the passenger seat frozen. I didn't know how to respond especially since I had only just broken off my engagement with Thomas a couple hours earlier. Carl looked stunned like he didn't expect Dimitri to send me that when he knew I has only been single a couple hours.

Carl and I turned and looked at each other and it seemed we were both thinking the same thing, "Carl why would Dimitri say this when he knows Thomas and I only just broke up? I don't know whether he's trying to send me encouragement or whether he's trying to get me to choose him straight away..." I put my head in my hands, Carl wrapped an arm around me and started rubbing my back in a soothing way "Colby I'm not sure but I know Thomas was very upset with what went down with Felicity, he should have stepped in more he even said so himself that's why he came with me to find you, Colby the look on his face when he saw you and Dimitri kissing I've never seen that expression before, I'll tell you now that I don't know what state of mind he is in or what he will do but be aware when we walk inside you may see him in Felicity's arms."

"I never wanted to push him into her arms but she did so much and he didn't even seem to care that she was driving a wedge between us, I mean she did threaten me if I got in her way. I've screwed up.." I let out a big sigh my mind racing, had I really just driven Thomas further away, I hadn't meant to kiss Dimitri but I always knew I liked him but my feelings for Thomas were so much more.

"I think you both have done things that have hurt each other but know this I know just how much Thomas loves you and it's quite clear you love him too even if you have liked Dimitri as well, don't be too hard on yourself, now let's get in there and find out exactly what's going".

We walked quickly inside and Carl found out what room we were actually going to. I quickly followed after him and as we rounded the corner laughing about something Piper had done to Carl the day before I almost stopped in my tracks. Thomas was already waiting outside the room and Felicity was standing in front of him with his arms around her, this was exactly what Carl had warned me about, how could I have been so stupid? I loved Thomas and yet I had pushed him further away and into the arms of his crazy ex. But I kept walking and acted as if it didn't even bother me.

Carl and I chatted a little while we waited for us to be allowed into the room, out of the corner of my eye I saw Thomas staring at me with a hurt but longing and confused expression but everytime Felicity turned towards him he pretended he wasn't staring at me. We both knew each other was staring at the other but made no attempts to do anything about it while she was around. Carl kept staring between us and slightly shaking his head.

The room door opened and a number of people came out, they stopped in front of us but it looked like they had already made a decision, one stepped forward "Felicity what you did was unacceptable, the half-bloods are now protected and part of the vampire world and the fact you did it in front of the dean of the university, the other half-bloods, Colby's human friend who has helped us and any other witnesses shows you do not care for the new law we put forward. Therefore, you will now be on probation. As well as probation you will also have community service and will report here every weekday for each day's assignment until we see fit, any behaviour like today's in the future you will be put on trial immediately and trust me the new law is taken very seriously. Do you understand?"

Felicity just looked at them stunned before agreeing to her terms before she could say anything else she was told to leave, Thomas was about to follow her but was asked to stay a few minutes. "Now, with both you and Colby present as well as Carl I'd just like to say no matter what has happened between you and Colby we all here hope you two either work it out or come to some sort of working relationship. You are all free to go now."

Carl and I started to walk away but then a hand reached out and grabbed my arm, "Colby can we please talk this through?" The look on his face showed he wanted to try and sort this out he was almost pleading. However as I was about to answer Carl came over and said he received a text from Piper and I was needed back at the house as a couple of the girls were worried about their classes tomorrow and what they should take with them.

"Sorry I gotta go maybe another time plus Felicity is waiting for you." And with that Carl and I left to go back to the house. Within half an hour of being home the class and supply issue was dealt with and I walked up to my room, I showered and took my time in the shower before getting dressed and checking my phone as I went to bed. I had 2 text messages.

Thomas: Colby I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry for what I did, once I got home Felictiy was in the shower and her phone lit up with a message, I always found the photo's she sent you, I can't believe she did that to you. I really want to talk to you especially about Dimitri, let me know when you're ready please. I love you don't forget that.

Dimitri: I know my message was very straight forward earlier and I'm sorry if I shocked you. Whoever you choose just know I will always be here for you and I will always love you even if you choose Thomas.

I didn't bother replying to Dimitri, I'd leave that until morning. I did however shoot Thomas a message saying I would text him tomorrow when classes were done and we could find somewhere to meet, I also told him I was sorry for kissing Dimitri and that I loved him and always will.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I received a text, Thomas: I love you too Colby, I need you back!

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