Chapter 6

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After that text came through I just couldn't sleep. We had only just met and yet he felt the same way, what were we thinking? He's a vampire, I'm... well I'm a half-blood who still goes to school. Well I'll be back at school when mum finally decides to let me go back which if my plan works I'll be going back in a couple days after we do some shopping for new make-up and whatnot.

I must have dozed off at some point because I woke up to a knock on the door, Mum walks in just as I'm looking at the time, it was after midday.... 'Argh, mum it's just after midday, why are you waking me up?'

'Colby, just because you are a creature of the night does not mean that allows you to sleep during the day and stay up all night. We need to go the shops to get you new make-up and contacts if you want to go back to school tomorrow'

'Fine I'll get up and take a shower, but I may have to buy non scented soap, shampoo and conditioner because the ones I have now are really strong for my nose'

About half an hour later I was out the shower and ready to go. Mum was waiting downstairs for me and quickly ushered me into the car. The drive was usually a long drive but today there was hardly any traffic, we walked the short distance inside and went straight to the shop where we always got my contacts from which helped because they also had a wide range of make-up.

While mum was chatting with the sales assistant, she pointed at me and said maybe I need to wear sunscreen, the look mum gave me when she saw me was shock-horror. 'What's with the face? I honestly don't think I need sunscreen', the sales assistant handed over a mirror to which showed that the parts where skin was showing were almost red raw.....

'holy shit, okay I definitely do need sunscreen...' although the sales assistant was giving me a strange look because I was wearing sunglasses until she realised who I was, I mean my photo was plastered all over the news and newspapers. However unlike anybody else who have recognised me so far today she didn't ask questions, she just said that she hopes I'm feeling better soon. Which was comforting to have someone outside of my family know how to respect privacy.

After picking out some new make-up and shower necessities as well as a whole heap of sunscreen with the highest SPF we could find, we walked quickly to the car and drove home. I went upstairs and put my contacts in before putting away my new products and going back to my room to do some catch up study.

I got a text from Thomas, asking if he could meet up with me same place as last night. It seemed urgent so I sent him a quick reply saying I'd be there soon but when I walked downstairs mum stopped me and said 'I don't want you taking the car' 'Mum how else am I supposed to get to where I need to be, I need to meet Thomas.' 'Colby just because this boy seems so interested in you doesn't mean he is, he'll probably just be like Aiden'

'Mum that's not what this is about. Thomas is a vampire investigator, it's his job to look into attacks like mine because they have a law that states you can't be undead without a licence. He's trying to help me sort it out, I've been told that the tribunal doesn't like Half-bloods or those who don't have a licence, I'm trying to get it sorted so nothing happens to me...'

'Oh, why didn't you say anything sooner?' 'I didn't want to stress you out.' 'well in that case honey, go but don't be gone too late.'

I quickly drove to our meeting place, obviously not by breaking the speed limit can't afford to get a ticket plus I'd never hear the end of it from my parents. As I pulled in, there was Thomas looking as handsome as ever, I parked next to him and before I could even get out the car Thomas was there opening the door and helping me out.

'Hey' as I tried to hug him except he pulled away. I tried to look at his face but he was hiding it from me. This was weird... I hadn't done anything but I couldn't figure out what was up with him.

He quickly walked away to the shadows of some nearby trees. When I finally reached him I said 'Thomas what's going on?' 'Colby, I need to be careful around you... my feelings for you are growing stronger and the tribunal are already suspicious of me for it. We can only call, text or meet if its in regards to your case at the moment. I'm sorry, If they become even more suspicious they'll kill you immediately and I can't allow that to happen.'

Whoa, way to kill the mood... 'OMG Thomas, they can't do that if there's nothing happening between us' I regretted it as soon as I saw his face, he looked hurt... 'Oh shit Thomas I didn't mean it like that, we definitely have a connection, I definitely have feelings for you but we haven't done anything to really act on those feelings. I totally understand though and I'll try my best to behave.'

'Thank you Colby, now your appointment with the tribunal is in 3 days, Carl and I will pick you up, we'll be in the room the whole time and we'll drop you home straight after. I'll come pick you up tomorrow night to take you to our library so you can do any sort of research you may need to do. Do you still have the college interview?'

'Yeah it's in 2 days, but Thomas my creator, Cody, he's hanging around I've seen him in my neighbour Piper's yard staring up at her bedroom and at my house. I haven't spoken to him yet but I don't know what he wants.' 'Colby do not talk to him, he may seem friendly at first but he attacked you.'

Thomas and I chatted for a little while longer before he said he had to go. I drove home only to pull into the driveway and see Cody waiting outside Piper's house. I quickly walked over there. 'Cody, what the hell are you doing here?' 'I've been waiting for you to come and talk to me but everytime I come here you ignore me.' 'Yes Cody because you attacked me and turned me into a half-blood who may now be days away from being killed.'

We argued for a couple more minutes before he finally lost it and lurched himself at me. I kicked him hard enough that he was knocked backwards and tripped over something before impaling himself on the fence between mine and Piper's house. I looked down to see Piper curled in a ball, 'Geez Piper are you okay?' 'Yeah just a little freaked, I saw him through my window and then I saw how his body language changed when you walked over that made me come out especially when I noticed the knife behind his back.'

I knew Piper knew what I was because she had come over the other day when dad accidently said something to mum about me needing the fangs to feed without realising that Piper was there, mum and dad had explained to Piper what happened really happened to me and she took it well considering.

I walked over to Cody who was trying to wigglehis way off the fence but was making it go deeper into his body. 'Colby takethis ring back to my father, he's part of the tribunal. Mr. Holloway.'

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