Chapter 9

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A few months later (After graduation but before the university school year starts)

As I, Colby, walked around my new house on the university campus I realised one thing. It was pink and I mean really pink... Hopefully the other girls of the sorority liked it but I mean they were all half-bloods like myself and from what I had heard about some of them this is probably better than any place they were before.

I smiled as the finishing touches were being done by the workers the tribunal hired to fix this place up to my standards. In just a couple days there would other girls walking around in here and I hope this gave them the safe haven they needed. I mean after all I was the reason they were still alive in the first place, I proved the tribunal wrong, was granted a licence and helped passed protective laws over us.

As I was leaving to go to my training session, after all I needed to learn self defence if I wanted to make sure the other half bloods were safe given the fact that there were some vampires out there that still didn't like the new changes, my phone rang.

Looking at the screen I saw it was my hunky boyfriend Thomas. I answered without hesitation like always. "Hey How are you?" "Hey Colby, I'm good I just wanted to check in to see how things at the house are going and if we were still on for tonight?"

"The workmen are just doing the finishing touches before I can move my stuff in, and of course can't wait for our date tonight. But I have training now which I'm running a little late for so I'll go home and get showered and changed in time for you to pick me up"

"Okay, good tonight's going to be special, I'll see you later" and with that he hung up. I wondered why tonight was so special we'd been dating just over a year so it definitely wasn't our anniversary....


Training went by really quickly but the good news was my instructor said I was improving. I was a fast learner after all.

I raced home and showered, Thomas had told me in a text to dress up so I got out one of my new evening dresses out. I was just finishing off my make up when I heard his car pull up. My parents welcomed him in and I could hear them talking while I quickly checked I did everything I needed.

I came downstairs and Thomas stopped mid-sentence at the sight of me, it sent a tingly feeling down my whole body. We said goodbye to my parents and as we walked to the car Thomas said "You look beautiful as ever, its one of the reasons I love you". He opened the door for me before quickly racing to the drivers side.

It was a really short drive but the restaurant we pulled up at looked amazing, it was in the vampire part of town but open for humans also, we were led to a back private room. It was done up beautifully, we sat on the lounge and cuddled, it was really nice to just be able to sit down with Thomas without worrying about interruptions about the house or tribunal business.

A little while later a couple people walked into the room holding something each as I was turned to get a closer look the stood next to each other and flipped over what they were holding.

At first I didn't understand what it said but then I read it as a sentence.... They were signs reading 'Colby, Will You Marry Me?' I got tears in my eyes as I realised why this night was so special.

"Colby" I turned to see Thomas had gotten off the lounge without me taking any notice and was down on one knee in front of me. I was so shocked as well as happy but more shocked than anything to really come up with anything to say....

"Colby, I love you so much. I know we got off to a bad start when we first met but the first time I ever saw you I instantly fell in love with you. I tried to ignore it but the more I got closer to you the harder it became. I spoke to your parents a few weeks ago while you were busy with the house and they were so happy that you had found someone like me, even though your age is a bit of a concern for them as long as you're happy they're happy."

Oh My God he asked my parents for permission and he got it!!!!! I didn't know whether to smile or cry so I sort of ended up doing both.

"I don't want to live without you by my side Colby, I love you and I want to spend eternity with you. Will you marry me Colby?"

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