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At 8 and a half pages and 4345 words, this is by far the longest chapter I have ever written for a fanfic. 

So without further ado, the long-awaited Epilogue!

Three years later

It's been a long three years since everything happened. Thomas and I finally got married two years ago and today was the day I would graduate from College.

I can't believe I made it to this day, I thought it would never happen.

Piper and the rest of the girls were also graduating while a new group of Half-bloods were finishing their first year and moving into the house.

While I had moved into Thomas' apartment after we got married I still spent a good amount of time staying at the house with the girls. Piper had moved into my old room and things were going great, everyone got along wonderfully.

Right now I was sitting on mine and Thomas's bed, Thomas had ducked out with Carl on some official Vampire business and I was looking around the apartment. I never thought there would be a day where I would be right here, where I am; a half-blood vampire, a year 12 graduate, married to the sexiest vampire ever even after everything, and about to graduate from college.

In the last three years, things have been amazing. Carl and I are closer and we're actually friends, kind of helps that he is my husband's best friend and partner and surprisingly I'm still good friends with Dimitri. For the first few months after all the drama it was a bit awkward between Dimitri and Thomas especially if I was in the room but after a while they became friends, Dimitri's still dating the girl I saw him with at the gym and while he hadn't said anything I'm pretty sure he's going to propose to her.

Carl and Piper were engaged, they'd been engaged for a while now but she wanted to wait until after she graduated before they got married and Carl being the big secret softy he was didn't mind.

Piper who had arrived this morning so we could get ready together had just walked back into the bedroom.

"Umm Colby, I just got a message from Carl. I'm not sure what's going on but he and Thomas are on their way here right now. Something about some important information that's just been uncovered by the tribunal that concerns both our futures."

My head snapped to Piper, "Is that all he said? No other details? What the hell?"

"That's all he said but it seems like it serious." I nodded Just as I heard the front door open.

"Colby? Babe? You still here?" Mmmm Thomas' sexy voice was all I heard.

Piper and I walked into the kitchen.

"Carl what the hell was that message. You can't just send Piper something like that without any details!" I all but shouted at him. But then I took his appearance in before turning to Thomas and doing the same. They had these unreadable expressions on their faces.

Piper and I shared a glanced. "Umm Guys what's going on?"

Thomas cleared his throat, "Umm maybe you two should sit down." And that's what we did.

Except Carl took Piper to the living room to talk to her in private. "Thomas, what is it? What's going on?"

He grabbed my hands lovingly. "Babe promise me you won't freak out?"

"I can't promise you that because you starting to freak me out with all the unanswered questions."

"The tribunal just uncovered some very valuable information and they called Carl and I in to tell us since it directly affects us. They wanted you and Piper there but given the day it is they figured you two would be getting ready."

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