Chapter 4

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I couldn't breathe. It was like I was underwater. As I started to come to, I realised it felt like I was underwater because I was half submerged in a ravine. All I could feel as I tried to get up was incredible pain and that was when the events of why I was in the ravine came back to me.

As I carefully got to my feet I looked up at the sky to see it was still dark, I looked down at myself to see that my cheer uniform was muddy and my jacket was ruined, there was no way I could get it fixed, looking around I realised my backpack was gone which meant I had no phone to contact my parents.

Speaking of which they're probably freaking out I'm not home yet if they were still awake.

As I started making my way home frown the path if anyone was around I probably looked like I was nuts because I would take a couple steps then crouch down to see if my attacker was still lurking nearby. By the time I got to the road I realised of course my attacker wouldn't be around he probably thought I was dead.

I got home to see the lights on which could mean 2 things: my parents left them on for me when I came home or they were still awake. I walked through the back door to where the kitchen was because I was starving to find that someone had been baking. It could only be 1 person. My mum. What I didn't understand was why was baking and how she could of baked so much in a couple hours like all surfaces were covered with baked goods.

It didn't make sense. She only baked when she was worried.

Just then I heard a loud scream which nearly dropped me to the floor in pain. I turned to see mum standing on the other side of the kitchen with dad blocking her from me. What the hell?. That's when grandma walked in the room which was weird because grandma didn't live with us so why would she be here so late.

Grandma started walking toward me but dad grabbed her arm to stop her, getting in a protective stance (what was going through his head I'll never know), 'Back off, Can't you see she's scared and could be injured?'. 'Come with me sweetheart.' With that I followed and so did my parents but when we got to grandma's room, she told dad to get out so she can examine me.

All I could think was what hell was going on?!. Grandma explained that she was a doctor in the war and that the reason she was here was because mum had rang her worried sick because I was missing. In my head I couldn't make sense of it, it had only been a couple hours.....

'Is this really all necessary? I mean I've only been gone a couple hours'. Mum and grandma looked at each other, finally mum speaks 'honey you've been gone 3 days.' '3 days? 3 days?! That's impossible, the game was last night.' Mum lifts up the daily paper which says its Monday with the headline 'Eastside Stalker attacks again' with a picture of me on the front page. What? How could they know for sure it was the eastside stalker, there was no proof who it was.

I still couldn't get my head around the fact I had been missing for 3 days, no wonder mum had baked so much. Grandma continued to give me a once over and asked me to explain what happened. As I did I could see mum and grandma kept giving me weird looks so I stopped talking about my attack and asked them what gives. 'honey, your eyes are yellow', 'what?! That can't be true'. Grandma looks at me 'sweetheart, it's true. Your eyes are yellow, your skin colour is pale and you keep complaining of two sore teeth, sweetheart you are a vampire. I saw it all in the war, it would happen now and then, my only guess to the reason you have two sore teeth is because they would have been our fangs but those two teeth were pulled out when you got your braces when you were little.'

'oh great! So not only does my appearance now not suit any make-up I own, I now have yellow eyes, and I'm now a vampire but not just any vampire, a mutant vampire because I have no fangs! I'm a fanged cheerleader just without the actual fangs.'

We walked out the room to see dad standing around looking scared. Grandma tells him I'm ok but goes on to explain I'm a vampire but I have no fangs before we knew it dad looks guilty and then runs out the door to the car and drives off. WTF? Where could he possibly be going when I only just got home after being missing for 3 days.

'I'm going for a shower' I say as I'm heading upstairs. The shower is just what I needed, I took longer than usual and when I was done I pampered myself to make myself feel normal. As I headed downstairs I could smell dinner but once I got to the dining room I could see mum and grandma, because dad clearly hadn't come home yet, had already started. I grabbed a plate to join them when grandma says 'Colby, I wouldn't do that if I was you, vampires can't eat'. I didn't listen like usual and took a bite anyway and that was when I ran to the sink and threw up. Grandma was right.

Just as I finished cleaning the sink, dad walks in. I'd glad I decided to wear a pair of sunglasses otherwise dad might of freaked out a bit because of my yellow eyes. He comes right over to me and says 'Colby, I made you something. I didn't leave because I found out you were a vampire, I left because I realised you having no fangs was my fault. I had those teeth removed all those years ago. So I went to work and used our old mould to make you some fangs'.

He opens a box and inside is some headgear, all pick with the word princess sewed into it, as I pull it out I realise dad made a mouth guard thing out of metal and made the two teeth I had pulled into sharp point fangs. I have to say it was embarrassing putting it on but I see how much thought had gone into it as well as how happy dad was with his creation.

I hug dad and say thank you before taking it off, putting it back in the box and going into one of the living rooms to watch tv while they ate. Mum had told me earlier that while I was in the shower the police had stopped by after she'd called them to say I was home because they wanted to ask me some questions but mum said I wasn't in the state to talk just yet but once I was she'd take me to get checked out and take to make a statement which wouldn't be for a couple of days.

As I sit and watch tv, there's a knock at the door.

I yell that I would get it so my family could continue eating dinner. I get to the door and use my 'vampire smell' to see if I can tell who it is but all I can smell is cookies. Someone who smells of cookies, that's odd.

I open the door and standing before me is a tall kinda handsome guy in a suit and the most hottest guy I have ever seen. Yes he was way hotter than Aidan. His suit fitted him well I mean really well.

The hot one speaks, 'Colby, I'm Thomas and this is my partner Carl may we come in?' 'Wait how do you know my name?' 'Well Colby, its our jobs to know not to mention its all over the news.'

Then Carl speaks, 'Enough, let us in right now!' 'Not until you both tell me who you work for and what do you want.'

'Colby, Carl and I are vampires, we work for the tribunal which is a clan of vampires in the area. We're here to assess your current undead status. We're like investigators'. 'Why do you need to assess my undead status? I'm a vampire.'

'You are not a vampire!!' Thomas pulls Carl back and says, 'Carl is right you are not a vampire, you are a half-blood vampire and you not have a licence to be a half-blood or pure-blood vampire which is illegal to be undead without a licence.'

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