Chapter 5

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'Illegal to be undead without a licence? How can it be illegal if I was turned against my will? I didn't even know I was a vampire or half-blood I mean until a couple hours ago.....' I looked at Thomas expectantly. Thomas and Carl exchanged a weird look before Thomas spoke. 'Colby, do remember anything specifically about your attacker?'

'Specifically?, like the fact he knew my name even though I didn't know him, the fact he tried to kill me or the fact he pinched my neck and made me swallow something? That specific enough for you?!

Carl and Thomas glanced at each other and Thomas looked like he was going to say something but before he could say anything Carl steps towards me. 'Colby, I don't care if you are trying to protect him for some reason all I want to know is what he made you swallow and if you don't tell me I will make you'

I glanced at Thomas who just kept looking at the floor, I looked back at Carl and let out a small growl which he seemed a little taken back, 'I am not protecting that pathetic human being or whatever he is. I don't what I was forced to swallow all I know is it was a liquid and tasted weird.'

With that I stood up shoved Carl maybe a little too hard but I didn't care and he fell back into the lounge that Thomas was still sitting in which slid backwards and slammed into the wall. I heard running footsteps from the kitchen.

Mum looks shocked at the situation in front of her but quickly shakes it off 'We have guests?' 'No mum they were just leaving.' Thomas and Carl both stand up and walk to the door but before I slam it behind them, Thomas stops and turns toward me while Carl continues walking to their car. 'Colby, I'm sorry about Carl, but I'm not here to be the bad person please if you remember anything else please call me' He hands me a card that says his name and phone number and also Vampire Investigator.

Something about the job title didn't make me feel any better about them, just as I'm about to say some smartass remark I see Thomas is already getting in his car...

I shut the door and head up to my room to see if I can rest a little. A little while later when I know everyone is already asleep I'm still wide awake.... So I decide that its time to get stuck into my homework even though mum doesn't want me back at school yet.

Around midnight, I get bored so I pick up Thomas' card contemplating calling him, not because I have more information but because I actually like him. Before I realise what I'm doing I pick up my phone and dial his number.

Thomas answers almost immediately. 'Thomas speaking' 'Hey Thomas, it's Colby..' Thomas sounds a little shocked when he responds with 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing, Nothing's wrong I swear I was just wondering, actually don't worry I shouldn't have called' 'No Colby what is it?'

'Well I was wondering if we could meet up?' 'Colby, that's probably not a good idea..' 'Oh okay that's ok don't worry about it.' I was a little upset and I suspected Thomas realised that. 'Wait Colby don't hang up, I want to meet up with you its just... its probably not a good idea because I'm an investigator and you're my current job, Its not that I don't want to because I really do.'

'It's okay I get it.' I'm about to say goodbye when I hear him sigh loudly. 'You know what Colby, forget it, Where do you want to meet up?' I give him the details of the local donut shop that is the 24 hour hang out for everyone.

I jump in my parents car and drive the short distance to the shop. I'm just sitting there watching people walk in and buy donuts remembering what it was like when I wasn't watching my diet when the passenger door opens.

I literally jump out of my skin and look over to see Thomas. 'Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you I sometimes forget I'm extremely quiet.' 'It's alright I wasn't actually paying attention'

We end up driving to a nearby park and just sit on one of the benches getting to know each other. I let him know I remember my attackers name but that's all I could give him. He looks up at the sky some time later and gets a sort of upset look on his face.

'Colby it's time to go, I have to back before sunrise' we quickly walk back to my parents car when suddenly Thomas slightly pushes me towards the passenger door and opens it like a gentleman for me. It was really sweet and not that I wanted to but I accidently brushed my hand across his as I got in, he looked startled at first but grabbed my hand in his for a couple seconds.

He drove back to the donut shop, parked next to his before quickly coming to my side and opening the door for me again. This time however I wasn't watching what I was doing and actually fell out the car but before I could hit the ground Thomas catches me. His hands holding me just tight enough to feel really good, as I start to stand on my feet properly I look up at Thomas only to realise there is almost no space between our faces.

'Are you okay?' he asks, though his voice husky which was extremely sexy. I could barely answer because all I want to do was know how good he tasted. 'yeah' is all I can master. Thomas is still holding me even though I can stand on my own, but I looked down at where my hands are placed against his chest before looking back up at him to see him looking at me.

I stare into his eyes and completely drown in them. I can't help myself and I lean towards him and close my eyes as I brush my lips against his, I feel his hands tighten their grip on my waist but just as I'm about to actually kiss him he pulls away completely before saying 'Colby, we can't I ... No we just can't' before walking over to his car and driving away.

Before I drive home I send him a text saying that I was so sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, then once home I walk back to my room to try and get some sleep when a text comes through from Thomas.

Iknow exactly what you were thinking, it's not that I don't feel that way it'swe just can't. P.S I really wanted to, I can't stop thinking about you

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