Chapter 11

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I always thought I'd lose my virginity to Aidan, but then again I never thought I'd still be a virgin when I was about to start university. I also never thought I'd be a half-blood, meet such a handsome kind young man who also happened to be a vampire let alone end up losing my virginity to him.

The whole experience was nothing I had ever imagined, Thomas even asked if I was ready and if I wanted to at the time, he went slowly always making sure I was okay. I liked that. I liked the fact that he wanted to make sure it was a good first time and that I was comfortable.

As I was laying wrapped in his arms I couldn't think of anything better. I snuggled closer and before I realised I had woken him up. I didn't mean to... he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Are you okay babe?" he asks, he must have thought I was moving because something was wrong. "Of course I am, I was just thinking about last night and how much I love laying wrapped in your arms, I wanted to get closer to you." I round around so I'm facing him and smile. Man he looked so good when he just wakes up.

He gave me a quick kiss but as I went to pull away he pulls me closer and kisses me passionately. I could so get used to this.

He pulls away, "I'll go make some coffee." He slides out of bed and gets dressed, I can't help but check him out. How did I get so lucky?

I get up and find a new change of clothes before walking to the kitchen. Coffee in the morning was a must even as a half-blood.

I walked over to a window with my cup and Thomas came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist, the night was so beautiful, I was so happy I didn't have to be up during the day earlier today and was able to spend some time with my wonderful fiancé in bed.

I looked at the time and realised if I didn't hurry I was going to be late for a meeting about the new half-bloods coming to live at the sorority house, Thomas realised this also especially since we had to stop at my house first and spread the news about our engagement. Within in 10 minutes we were already in the car driving towards my house.

I walked in the door at home to find my family and Piper were just cleaning up after dinner. That was a usually occurrence around here these days Piper spent a lot of the time having dinner at mine. Thomas and I walked into the kitchen holding hands, and the minute they saw me they engulfed me in hugs and happy shouts turns out they took one look at Thomas and his massive smile that they knew what I was about to say.

They were so happy including Piper who had also been dating Carl for quite a while now, I'd never seen Piper so happy being with Carl and I had warned Carl I'd break every bone in his body if he hurt her, but it seemed he was just as happy.

Although relationships between vampires and half-bloods and vampires and humans were a big no-no it's started being accepted because of me and Thomas. I was the half-blood helping make changes and stepping up to do my part which was training the other half-bloods and Thomas was the vampire investigator who not only had a reputation but he was also the vampire that feel for the half-blood.

While Thomas spoke to my family, I quickly went upstairs and grabbed what I needed for the meeting. I heard Piper following me. She came in my room, I took one look and realised she was about to ask me something. "So your parents said you didn't come home after your date last night, you saw his house, what did it look like?" I had a feeling this wasn't really what she wanted to ask me but I played along anyway. "It was amazing, it's not the man cave I thought it was haha. He has his own little room in the house for his man cave."

I glanced at her as I was trying to find an important piece of documentation, "You guys had sex didn't you?," I dropped my folder giving me away, she started jumping up and down and making weird noises. It was clear she was trying to be quiet so my parents wouldn't hear but I knew Thomas would.

I laughed at her and she stopped but had a big grin on her face. "About time. What was it like?" "Oh it was amazing, he was such a gentleman, always asking if I was okay and going slowly." "Naww that's so romantic, it must be a vampire thing because Carl was the same."

"Wait. You and Carl had sex too?, when?" "A couple nights ago, I was going to tell you but with me being busy getting organised for classes at university and with you being busy with designs, etc I never got a chance"

We grabbed each other in a big hug and jumped up and down together, just as Thomas walked in. He looked at us like we were crazy but we all knew he knew what we had been talking about. "If we don't leave now we'll be late for sure."

I quickly grabbed what I needed and we headed out the door. On the drive over to the tribunal building Thomas explained that he and Carl had had a boys night and Carl had opened up to him about him and Piper, he wanted to tell me but he thought he'd wait until Piper and I got the chance to talk just so I heard it from my best friend rather than him.

As we walked into the building holding hands, someone called out "Thomas is that you?" We turned around to come face-to-face with a woman. She was stunning, "oh my god it is you, you look handsome as ever" What the...? Who was this chick. "Felicity.... What are you doing here?" "I'm doing some work for the tribunal and I just finished my meeting. Maybe we could go somewhere private and catch up?"

My mouth dropped open, like literally dropped open. She had literally basically asked him to go somewhere private so they could do stuff. I looked at Thomas and he looked uncomfortable. "Sorry I can't I have a meeting to get to" Just then she was noticed me, she looked me up and down and quickly moved to where my hand was tangled in Thomas'. That earned me a glare.

What hell was this chick's problem?. She looked back at Thomas and said "Oh I didn't realise you had company maybe after your meeting and you're done with your friend" just then Thomas let out a little growl deep in his chest, "My friend is my fiancé Felicity. So no I won't be going anywhere with you."

He turned around and pulled me with him. He looked angry but I couldn't quite figure out what the go was with this Felicity chick. We ended up being early for the meeting so I handed him my folder and quickly walked into the bathroom, turns out we hadn't seen Felicity walk in there, and when I was washing my hands she emerged from a stall.

"So you're Thomas' fiancé." "Yes I'm Colby." "Well Colby, I'm back and I don't care what is going on between you and Thomas. I'm back and I'm here to get my man back."

"Well sorry to disappoint felicity but he isn't your man anymore if he ever was, he's with me" "We'll see how long that lasts for" she steps closer, in my face actually. "Stay out of my way or I'll kill you" and with that she calmly walked out the bathroom.

I walked slowly back to the meeting room, I'll admit being threaten to be killed over Thomas was scary and I was shaking. I took my folder back and started walking into the meeting room, but not before Thomas saw my face and realised I was shaking.

"Babe? What's wrong?", "Who is felicity?", "oh babe forget her", "No, Thomas answer the question, who is she?", With a big sigh he replied "She's my ex. We were pretty serious but in the end I left because of how she acted and treated me."

"Well she just threaten to kill me if I didn't stay out of her way. She's back to get you back Thomas."

And with that I walked into the meeting room, he tried to grab my hand but I pulled away. I knew I was being a little petty but she bitch threaten to kill me. I saw the hurt on his face when I pulled away. I didn't want to hurt him but I didn't appreciate being threaten by his ex.

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