Chapter 3

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After talking to Aidan the rest of the day went by quickly and in a blur. Of course once school ad actually finished it was time to get in a quick cheer practice before getting organised for the game. Cheer practice went by quite slowly which was good because it meant we could make sure everything was perfect. Practice finally finished and we all rushed to the change rooms to freshen up and get ready for the game. Once we were all ready and looking amazing, we grabbed our pom poms and signs and hurried to the football field.

The grand stand was packed with no free seats and everyone was extremely excited for the game. We were cheering and getting the crowd to join in as much as they would before it was time to welcome both teams out onto the field. Us cheerleaders went crazy when our school's team came out which of course they loved as usual.

The game started and everyone was going crazy as our school team scored try after try before the half-time whistle blew and it was time for our mid-game routine. The routine was perfect and the game started again.

The final whistle blew and our team won. Yay! After grabbing my jacket and backpack, I went and stood outside the boys change rooms and waited for Aidan. After about an hour I caught one of the guys coming out and asked if Aidan was still in the change rooms, to my dismay I was informed he had left before I had arrived at the change rooms with Allison, another girl on my cheer squad, who was trying to take my place as cheer captain.

Everyone had already left including my parents who had left the game before half-time since our team was so far in front. I had assured everyone that Aidan was driving me home because that's what we had organised, however since he left with someone else I had no way home because mum and dad would be asleep and I didn't want to wake them, so I decided to walk home. I chose to walk my usual route since it was quicker.

The football field lights were still on which helped cast light up the bush trail I had to walk along to get home. It had gotten hotter as the night carried on, so before I continued to walk along the trail I slid my backpack off so I could take my jacket off and tie it around my waist.

Just as I put my backpack on the field lights turned off, 'Shit' I breathed. The trial was darker than I thought it would be so I walked even quicker, but as I reached halfway up the trial I heard footsteps, I stopped and turned around but there was no one there, so I started walking again.

'Colby'. It came out in a low murmur but I understood it enough to know it was my own name being called. 'Whose there?' I yelled but got no reply when all of a sudden someone jumped out in front of me. It was Cody.

'You scared me Cody, why would you hide from me?' I demanded. He didn't say anything he just stared at me then out of no where he tried to kiss me, of course as Aidan had my heart I pushed him off before he actually made contact which of course made him angry.

That was when he started digging his fingers into my arms before pushing me to the ground, I fought back as best I could with him pinning me down when I felt a sharp pain in my neck which hurt like hell and then I couldn't move. I tried and tried to move, to get away from this sicko but I couldn't I just laid there watching as he did unthinkable things to me before forcing my mouth open and pouring some weird liquid in my mouth.

After he was finished he decided for good measure to throw me down a small ravine which I hit my head on the way down and everything went black.

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