Chapter 12

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I knew Thomas wanted to keep trying to talk to me about Felicity but I wasn't ready to discuss her. I could sense him staring at me, well I mean he was apart of the meeting but it was more than usual.

Once the introductions were completed I then opened my folder and starting giving a copy of my plans to everyone in the room. I took a deep breath before continuing, "As you can see my plan consists of allowing the half-bloods to study any type of degree they would like, each half-blood has already been given a booklet outlining what is offered at the university and once they all have arrived I'll be leading them to our meeting room that I had built within the house for this reason as well as weekly meetings to see how well they are settling, etc."

I pulled up a form on the projector for the room to see, "I have been working closely with the dean of the university who is helping me with organising the half-bloods enrolments, etc. This form will be given to each of them when they arrive and at the meeting we will discuss it, I will be talking separately with each of them to help them to fill it out, answer any questions, as well as showing them this schedule", I pulled the schedule up on the screen, "This schedule represents the duties within the house, I expect all of the house to contribute to 'the chores' as a way of team building as well as follow the simple rules laid out at the bottom. These rules are not only to protect us half-bloods, the vampire community as well as the human community."

"Colby, it seems like this plan is going to work really well, obviously depending on how the half-bloods follow it, but I do wonder and I'm sure you are getting to it so I apologize for interrupting, will there be what they call a house mother and how will you get blood?"

I turned to the person who spoke, I couldn't quite remember his name right now, "That's okay, I like that you have questions." I smiled. "So firstly, yes we will have a house mother, my grandmother has volunteered as she has dealt with vampires while she was in the war, there is a separate room away from the rest of us near the kitchen which is where she asked her room to be. I ran it past Thomas as well as the Dean and they were both happy with the idea but have also told me just be keep an eye on things because well you never know what will happen."

"And with regards to the blood situation, I will be explaining certain rules to them when we have our meeting, which include they are to have no witnesses to keep us a secret as well as make sure they tell whoever they feed off to forget everything. There is one more thing, Thomas already knows but I feel that it is best that all of you know as well, my best friend Piper will be joining us in the house. She already knows about me and has for almost the entire time I have been a half-blood, she has been a major support and help throughout the building of the house plus she will be attending the university."

I looked around and saw big smiles on all of their faces which told me they were happy with everything. The meeting was adjourned and I packed up and started walking out. I was the last to leave the room as I knew Thomas would be waiting outside for me but as I exited the room I came face to face with one of my worst fears ever. Thomas pinned to the wall with Felicity all over him and kissing him.

If he was trying to push her away I didn't know because I didn't stick around to find out. I was gone before Thomas could have even known I was gone. I went straight to the house, up to my room and started balling my eyes out.

Piper was in her room moving boxes of her stuff in when she heard me crying, she walked into my room and I felt my bed dip as she sat on my bed.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at her and wiped my tears. "Thomas left the meeting room before I did and when I walked out Thomas was pinned to the opposite wall with Felicity all over him and kissing him." "Wait, hold up. Who the hell is Felicity?" "His ex. When we walked in she had finished her meeting and when she realised Thomas was there and came over and started talking to him, she didn't really even interact with me at all. That was until I walked into a bathroom before the meeting and she asked about me and then threaten to kill me if I stood in her way of getting back with Thomas."

"If I see her I'm going to smash the bitch." "Pips, she's a vampire she'll kill you before you even try."

"I ran out and came here before I could see if Thomas had pushed her away, I was too hurt and upset at the fact he didn't try and prevent the situation to begin with." Before Piper had the chance to answer, there was a slight knock on my bedroom door, I turned and there was Thomas standing there.

It looked like he had been hit or something because there was blood coming from his eye brow and he looked like he had been crying or something. I sat up and Piper was about ready to punch him in his face but I stopped her before she could.

"You better have a good reason to have upset my best friend Thomas" I sort of laughed at that. That was Piper always trying to protect me. He looked at her with smirked on his face before he walked in and sat at the end of my bed.

"Babe, I'm so sorry. I know that I don't need to apologize for her kissing me, etc but I do need to apologize for not doing anything to stop her or coming after you straight away. I realised what you would have seen after I managed to finally get her off me and I told her to back off and never threaten you again or come near you because it would be the last thing she did because you are everything to me. That's when she turned and punched before walking away." He looked down at his hands before speaking again.

"I was about to come after you but called into one of the offices about another matter I have to deal with regarding the pickup of the half-bloods. I would have been here sooner." Piper looked at me and then looked back at Thomas, "Okay you're off the hook with me" before she started laughing.

"Oh Thomas, that's okay. Now knowing what was really going on I understand. I can't believe you would threaten to kill your ex for me." I smiled before I leant forward to meet Thomas halfway and we kissed. Our kiss went from something sweet to something passionate, I was slightly aware of the fact that Piper got up and left the room the minute our kiss went longer then she was expecting telling us to think of others in the room before she closed the door.

I pulled away after a while, "Thomas, the firstcouple of half-bloods will be here in an hour." Thomas looked up at me andsmiled, "That's okay, that's plenty of time." Before I could protest he waskissing me again and slowly pushed me back down so I was laying on my bed withhim on top.

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