Chapter 17

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When I woke up, first thing I did was message both Thomas and Dimitri. I asked Thomas if he could meet me after I finished classes and turns out since he would be on campus by then he would wait outside my final class room so I sent him a photo of my schedule.

Dimitri on the other hand I needed to meet with before my classes started, luckily he was at the gym alone as it was early. However when I got there some girl I was pretty I had seen in the vampire community was all over him, he seemed to be enjoying it which was good especially with what I was about to tell him.

I walked into the gym and as the door shut, Dimitri looked up at me. He whispered something to the girl and she walked off to one of the training rooms leaving Dimitri and I alone. "Colby I'm so sorry you had to see that especially after what I said to you-" I cut him off not really interested in the details. "It's fine Dimitri, actually its more than fine, I asked to meet you because I think it's time for you to find someone else and you two seem like you really like each other, I'm meeting Thomas after classes and as much as I don't want to hurt you I've chosen him."

"Oh Colby that's completely fine, I mean I did leave it up to you to decide but I always knew your feelings for Thomas were always going to win. As sad as I am, you're right, I've known her for quite some time now and have always had feelings for her I just didn't think she felt the same way, I found out after I sent you that text but figured you were asleep which was why I never got a response. Have you and Thomas sorted things out? Or is that why you're meeting later on? I'm assuming your decision has something to do with that meeting."

"Well that's great Dimitri, though I do hope we can still be friends and I can still come here? Umm yeah we've got to talk things through but I think things are going to work out especially since he told me he needed me back." I explained what happened at the meeting and he actually laughed at the punishment Felicity got. I checked the time, and if I didn't leave now I would be late for class so I bid farewell to Dimitri and set off back to campus.

Sometime during my lecture I got text from Dimitri saying if I had time the following day there was space in one of the classes at the gym for me to join or he had an hour free if I wanted to one-on-one, but wanted to make sure Thomas was okay with us doing one-on-one training before I agreed to it.

My uni day since it was actually night time for humans flew by pretty quickly, although it was kind of boring I actually enjoyed my classes but there was a lot of studying to do before the next classes. In the end I decided I needed to buy a diary, I had made all the girls and piper had one but figured I would be fine without one, I was wrong. Especially if I wanted to be organised and well-prepared for classes.

When it was finally time for my last class to end I was excited to see Thomas but was nervous as well since things had been difficult between us lately. But when I walked out the room there was Thomas looking absolutely handsome in a suit holding what could only be a clothing bag. When he saw a huge smile crossed his face and he rushed forward bring me in a massive hug, a hug that made me almost lose my books I was still carrying and my bag.

"Oh Thomas I'm so sorry, I've missed you so much." "Don't worry about that now baby and I've missed you too." He gave me a peck on my cheek before walking me down the hall and stopping outside the bathroom located there. He took my books and placed them in my bag before handing me the clothing bag and told me to change into it, I did as I was told and when I walked in front of the mirror I couldn't help but notice how beautiful I actually looked at the moment.

Turns out Piper had helped him choose what to wear for me after he explained what he was going to do, which of course I had no idea what it was all I knew was that it was going to be dinner and depending on the time I may have to stay at his house so he wouldn't be caught in sunrise.

Dinner was absolutely to die for, before the food had come out Thomas had asked me about Dimitri, I explained that I went to see him before classes and told him I had chosen Thomas and that he was okay with it since the girl he had strong feelings for admitted her feelings for him. I also explained to him that Dimitri was waiting to hear from me before he went further with the girl.

Thomas seemed happy that there was no hard feelings so I told him about the message Dimitri had sent me regarding training, and of course since things were getting back to normal between us and Dimitri moving on he was more than happy for me to continue training though he did say I didn't need to ask if it was okay with him but was happy I wanted to consider his feelings on the topic.

After desert, Thomas regarded me lovingly, "Colby, I know you don't blame me for what's gone on since you know the truth but I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am that I didn't see what Felicity was trying to do nor did I do anything to stop her and protect you. When you threw the engagement ring back at me I was so shocked I didn't know to react knowing the love of my life had just ended things, at first I didn't understand but when the truth came out I realised why and I completely understand where you were coming from. Being without you was so agonising especially knowing you had to choose between myself and Dimitri and I didn't know who you choose."

I reach across the table and grab his hand lovingly. "I meant what I said Colby, I need you back, even if it takes you a while to fully forgive me for I put you through I don't care all I know is I need you because without you I'm nothing."

I look at them with an adoring smile, "Thomas you did nothing to me and I already forgive you. I was so miserable without you by my side and when I got your text saying you needed me back it made me the happiest girl alive. I can't live without you Thomas"

Before I knew what was happening he got up, moved my chair away from the table and got down on one knee, "Colby I know this isn't the same as the first time but after everything I'd like to ask you again, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will silly, I thought you'd never ask." With that he slid the ring back on my finger before kissing me passionately, bringing me into a hug and swinging me around.

In the end we had to go back to his apartment which had no problems with, I also sent a text to Piper just letting her know things were all good and the engagement was back on as well as I'd see her when I came home whenever that would be.

We spent the night passionately before finally getting some sleep, luckily I didn't have classes the next day and he had the day off so we spent the day lounging around, as well as me studying and what made things even better was the fact Thomas helped me study.

Finally things were back to normal and Thomas pulled out our wedding planning stuff we had brought before everything went wrong and had been delivered to his apartment before we made up. We spent the following day after that starting to plan our wedding before I had to go back home and back to classes.

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