Chapter 2. Vernon

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Hello my name is Hansol Vernon Choi (or Chwe depending on what website you use). I am a model, top of my class graduate, and a responsible middle son. I have an older brother that is married already, and a younger sister in high school.

I do my best to keep the family name up, by keeping up with appearances. I'm not allowed to waist my time on silly things like learning guitar, or dancing ( unless it's for a ballroom or other formal events). In short my life is boring... on the outside...

If I were to introduced myself the way I wanted to I would say..

Hi I'm Vernon and  I to like to rap.

Sometimes I can be ticklish, easily scared, and shy, but when push comes to shove I will protect the ones I love.

I'm really into music, I like Webtoons, and the only reason why I enjoy modeling is because there is this one photographer I met a while ago. She was amazing! She was so cute too.

I've never had a girlfriend in my life and here I was in front of my parents being told that I had to marry a daughter of some entertainment company.

"So how often do you go out and party?"
I was being asked question after question. This mystery girl has no one but three brothers. Thanks for telling me mom and dad!

"No. I don't party unless it's for a dinner or a formal gathering."

"Boring! No offense to our sis, but aren't ya too high class for her?"

"Jeon Jungkook!" Hoseok yelled at his younger brother.

"What?! From what I've heard she sounds too good for me." I didn't really know much about her but what I did know is that she is cute, and somewhat familiar.. she kinda reminds me of that photographer I told you about earlier.

When I looked up at them and they gave each other a look I can't read.

"So anyway your meeting her in a few days. Have any ideas on what to get her?"

"What do you mean?" I was totally lost.

"Her 20th is in a week. That's the same day you're meeting her."

Oh man! Her birthday is the day that I'm meeting her!!

What if she doesn't like me? What if a make a bad impression? What if she thinks I'm too much of a snobby bratty rich kid.

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