Chapter 21. Twins!

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~right after the wedding~ (3rd person p.o.v)
"It's so nice to be home."

"Umm.. don't get to comfortable."

"Why? We are home now."

"I think my water just broke."

Hansol got up from the couch, grabbing the bags of extra clothes, and y/n's Hand and ran to the car. He drove to the hospital and asked one of the nurses for help. Y/n got a room right away and Hansol was asked to wait outside for a bit.

Vernon p.o.v~

I was sitting in the waiting room with another man probably about 10 years older than me. (35 ish) the guy looked at me with a question face and asked:

"First Kid?"

I nodded.

"No offense but your shaking like a leaf. She is probably more scared than you can even imagine. Trust me this is my fourth kid, the best thing you can do is be here for her."

"Thanks. I guess I'm just a little nervous cuz we both have really hard jobs and I'm really afraid that I won't get to know them."

"Them? As in your girlfriend and kid?"

"She's my wife, and it's twins so I guess I'm just nervous about being a parent."

"Oh! Your married? Sorry your just really young looking so I thought you were a teen or a model or something."

"I was, giving it up for her so she can be home more."

"And twins, ya. I'm going to guess that you work for some big company or something. Jogging by the way your dressed."

"Yup, her dad wanted her to run the company, and my dad wanted me to take the family business. But we just come from a wedding, I didn't have time to change."

"So you head a big company and you just got married? Wow! And I thought I was crazy."

"Oh no! We got married last year. This was her brother's wedding."

"Oh! Ok sorry. I'm Steve by the way." He offered his hand. I shook it.

"Hansol. But everyone calls me Vernon."

"No way? You wouldn't happen to be Hansol Vernon Chwe by any chance would you?"

"That's me. Why?"

"We named our son after you! I work on editing for magazines, and stuff, my wife likes naming our kids after people that aren't just all about the looks. You know like the ones that do charity work, or take time off to be with family. I never thought I would meet one of you."

"I didn't think I was famous enough for something like this. It's an honor."

"Your too kind. Honestly I always thought that I would meet Y/n, the photographer. But guess she moved back to Korea. You know she graduated college early, and she was interviewed by a lot of different magazines that wanted her to do their pictures. She turned them all down cuz her boyfriend was a model and he only trusted her for his pictures. That and she is related to BTS, and is very close with other kpop groups."

I sat there for a bit listening to what people thought of Y/n. Apparently I wasn't the only one that thought she over worked herself.

"Too bad I can go to Korea to meet her. My daughter loves her. My Y/n just turned 9 and really likes photography."

"No way! Y/n chwe is my wife."


"We move back and forth from here and Korea. We are here for the wedding. But guess we have to stay here for awhile."

"Mr. Chwe your wife wants you." The nurse came. I exchanged numbers with Steve and left.

"Hey kit-cat."

After about three hours we had two adorable baby girls.

Chwe kookie Kendal
Chwe mochi Kala

(Jimin one shot coming soon!) 

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