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Coming home was the best thing that has ever happened to me my entire life. Until I remember that I have to do homework, great. I love doing my homework, it's just so much fun and there's no way I would skip that excitement in my entire life.

I sat down at my desk and tried to begin the hell sent home with me. My cat decided to get on the table and start walking along my homework. I just watched him until two tan hands came into view, grabbing the cat. I look up to see Jamie, my best friend and crush. I have been gay for at least five years and proud of it, but it's kinda hard being around your best friend and being in love with him.

He sat on my bed with the cat in his lap, starting to pet the cat he stared at me like an evil villain. I began to squirm under his gaze and wonder why this was happening. I thought it might be a dream so I pinched myself and glanced his way, nope still there. Not a dream. I decided to ignore him and try to continue my homework, until I heard him chuckle.

What's funny? I'm confused at this point, so I turned to face him and looked him sternly in the face. "Is there something you need Jamie?" I asked with annoyance clearly in my voice. He looked baffled that I caught him in whatever act he was doing. He set the cat on the floor and leaned forward, grabbed my chin and pulled me closer to him. By now we were so close, his mouth was by my ear and feeling his breath run down my neck was pleasing but unsettling all in one. You see, I'm a complete vanilla and virgin and this was all something Jamie knew.

Jamie boy is extremely experienced with men and women, he's bisexual. For those that don't know what that is it's a person who is attracted to both genders. He had already told me he would help with finding things I enjoyed, starting with bdsm. I know some stuff about it, like the general stuff that I learned on my own. I didn't think he ment help me like this, i thought he ment something brotherly...not...this...

Pulling me out of my thoughts Jamie had said a few words and then jumped back because my brother came in. The words weren't all bad but they weren't all good either and I didn't know how to take them. My brother gave me food and then left telling Jamie not to distract me from my homework. Jamie looked at me with a sly grin and asked, "your doing homework?" I nodded, trying to keep my eyes down. The words he whispered in my ear running through my head many, many times.

Those haunting words were; 'you, on the bed, begging me..' I was sort of sad and mad that my brother stepped in and had interrupted him from continuing. He had no right to cock block me before I even get the cock, but i guess that's because he's got brother spidey-sense and came a running. Coming back to reality Jamie got up and pulled my spair chair over to me and sat down. He seen what kind it was, history. It's not my favorite subject and i have never really excelled in it, but leave it to Jamie to be perfect with everything.

Please, please, please! Let me know what you guys think or if you think there should be a part 2! Thanx for reading!

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