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I have never actually done this before...and by this I mean accidentally catch my microwave on fire. Whoops? I mean, it didn't really catch fire, there was just a lot of smoke and when I went to check on it I seen red. So of course I ran to the fire extinguisher and when I came back my microwave was dead and my food became charcoal.

I had completely forgotten about all the smoke in my apartment until I breathed and the fire alarm began to do its job. My neighbor slammed my door open in panic and yelled, "Are your ok!? Where are you?! Are you dead?!" Me being me, I yelled back, "yup, I'm as dead as I wish I was" while yelling I ran to the living room window and opened it. I need to get this smoke out before it hurt me and my neighbor.

I never learned her name but mostly everyone knew each other by door number. She was room 179b and I was 169b, why the jump in numbers? The guy who owns it thought it would be funny. In my opinion it kinda is, in a weird sort of way, but it worked for me. I used this place to come out to my parents, my dad was slow about it but he soon got over it and still loves me. My mom loved it and the way I used my new apartment to do it.

Anyway back to the now. 179b came farther into my apartment and started looking for a towel, "we need to get that thing off before the-" she was interrupted by the New York fire department. Yelling and barging into my home, they ran in and seen no fire at all just a very burnt plate and a dead microwave. Most started to help me get the smoke out and turned on the fans around the apartment. They were kind enough to turn the screaming alarm off. Others were just standing in the kitchen laughing about the situation.

I walked into the kitchen looking for the chief so I could explain myself. I seen the flash of a bage and started walking to the man with it on. I somehow ran into a random wall in my apartment, looking up my eyes met with golden brown. I jumped back mumbling an apologie to the man and he just chuckled. "So, should I ask what interrupted our dinner?" Looking right at me were all the men with there masks off and smirks plastered on their face.

I felt my face heat up and knew it was red. Not just of how they look, because damn, but because I was embaressed. "Well, I'm sorry, firstly-" i began to them which just made them giggle and laugh more, "- and I was actually trying to make my own dinner in the once good microwave, but apparently it didn't think I should eat a 'hungry man'" those words really got them going.

It didn't really help my case since I started to pout. Not only do I need a new microwave, but now I need a new plan for dinner! "Well that's ok, as long as it was an accident, we can forgive you..." I looked at the chief with a small smile of apreitiation and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. It was kinda hard to see because of his tan skin, but I still saw it.

After a couple more minutes and filling out some paper work, the chief threw two fingers in the air moving them in a circle motion, "let's pack up!" While yelling with a baritone voice. I almost shivered but sadly remembered there were still many men in my home. I began to help kick them out and saying thank you to them all. By now 179b had left my apartment since she was getting over whelmed and had done her job. At least that's what she said.

I went to close my from door but something had been in the way of me doing so. I looked down and seen a big brown boot in the way of my door and the latch. I opened it up more to see the chief standing there with a small smile. "Um yes?" confusion laced in my voice. He looked down and took a deep breath before saying, " name is Cota and I was wondering if you liked Italian?" He said it so fast I almost didn't catch any of it.

"Well, my name is Christopher and yes I love Italian" I replied back being somehow girlier than ever. His small smile grew into a huge grin and he toom another deap breath. "Would you like to join me on a date?" All I heard and focused on were the small words he said before, those words being; "Oh, good because I'm Italian" which caught my attention real fast. I went to grab my coat and put my shoes on. When I came back I pated his chest and said, "I would love to...and yes I do like Italian, not just the food.." I chuckled at the end and started walking down the hall after locking my door.

Cota standing there stunned that I heard him. "Well come on Mr. Fireman! We gotta eat! And after i give my thanks" after my last words I heard booted feat thump the floor and looked over to see him grinning like a mad man.

Yup. I like Italian and people who save my life, or you know, come to save my life anyway. Cota, I like the way that sounds, but I definently like my night in shining red.

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